Since December 2007, Christopher Wink has [cartotalposts] posts about about journalism, entrepreneurship, productivity and my writing, reading and speaking. See them all below.
- Examples of journalism strategy outside news organizations
- My Resolutions for 2025
- My 2024 in review
- America: A Farewell Tour
- Beat reporters: How to respond to an angry community source
- Autocracy Inc.
- Who’s afraid of gender?
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
- A few lessons from the 15th annual Klein News Innovation Camp
- Keynote: What marketers need to know about the creator economy
- What happens to our digital remains after we die?
- Why are there so few tech apprenticeships?
- Entrepreneurship is bipartisan
- Journalists subsidize PR
- Living and working with AI
- THRIVING named top podcast by PA News Media Association
- The New Geography of Jobs
- Storytelling and data work together for ecosystem building
- Word Origins: how etymology interprets English
- Why has war lasted for thousands of years?
- What I’ve learned from being threatened with legal action as a journalist and news publisher
- What are luxury beliefs?
- is honored for its “journalistic impact”
- How Rome fell
- Free speech guarantees your right to speak, not your right for it to be heard
- The Singularity is Nearer
- Takeaways from books I started but never finished
- Burn Book by Kara Swisher
- My Builders Conference keynote May 2024
- The Creative Spark of humanity
- Why the kids aren’t growing up
- Temple University is a mess. Let’s fix it.
- Atomic Habits
- Coded by Kids named me a ‘Champion for Change’
- Ban smartphones from schools
- Power and Progress
- I was honored with the 2024 IBIT “Innovators Award”
- A Journey Through Country Music’s Black Past, Present and Future: Alice Randall
- Inside Crypto’s Wild Rise and Staggering Fall
- How to use brain science to tell be stories: Story Genius
- Afrofuturism
- Nobel laureate Abdulrazak Gurnah’s 1994 novel “Paradise”
- Extremely Online by Taylor Lorenz
- Walkable City by Jeff Speck
- Smaller Cities in a Shrinking World
- Why do so many people hate journalists so much?
- The Moundbuilders of the Eastern Woodlands
- Quantum Supremacy by Michio Kaku
- Tabula Rasa: John McPhee
- Philadelphia’s 1844 Nativist Riots: Ken Milano
- I read 56 books in 2023
- 2024 Resolutions
- My 2023 in review
- Will AI be good or bad for journalism?
- Dawn of Everything: how to understand the origins of inequality
- Economic development strategies must focus on people, not companies
- Named an ‘Advocate for Equity’
- When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic
- Middle managers matter: remarks at TAB event
- Writing for Busy Readers
- Born in Blackness by Howard W. French
- Simon Sinek’s Infinite Game
- was honored with a DCRAC community service award
- The Human Tide: How Population Shaped the Modern World
- What do we do with the art of monstrous men? Whatever you need to do with it
- Can we mourn men who have done terrible things?
- Bullshit Jobs
- Lessons on writing from four Russian masters (and George Saunders)
- What if We’re Wrong: by Chuck Klosterman
- How poverty in America works
- Gradual: The Case for Incremental Change in a Radical Age
- Wine making with Patrick
- What should your city be in 150 years?
- Humanity is on ‘The Precipice’: How can we think about lasting a million years more?
- Inciting Joy
- Advice on ‘the creative act’ from Rick Rubin
- Kindnesses high school teachers extended to me
- How Private Equity Runs—and Wrecks—America
- Beyond Order
- Featured speaker @ Sloss Tech in Birmingham, Alabama
- How we evolved the mission over time
- 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson
- Finding the Mother Tree
- What would it mean to build AI like octopuses, fungi or forests?
- The Filter Bubble
- The Hot Hand is real (with the research to prove it)
- Bootstrapped: the mythology of the American Dream
- Ron Desantis: Courage to be Free
- Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
- NRG Philadelphia media flag football tournament: Champions!
- The Wondrous Connections Between Mathematics and Literature
- A History of the World in Eight Plagues
- How Indigenous Americans Discovered Europe
- Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century
- A history of corporations by William Magnuson
- Is American leadership ‘Adrift’?
- Where are the 5+ million prime age men missing from the workforce?
- Limitless: the history and future of the Federal Reserve Bank
- Papyrus: The Invention of Books in the Ancient World
- Road to Serfdom
- Blue Ocean Strategy
- The End of The World is Just The Beginning: Peter Zeihan
- Builders conference keynote
- How was your pandemic?
- 935 Lies: what journalism learned from the War in Iraq
- Thomas Piketty’s Time for Socialism
- The Emotional Life of a Toddler
- Woke Inc
- First You Write a Sentence: The Elements of Reading, Writing and Life
- Semicolons
- What We Owe The Future
- The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future
- 9 Nasty Words by John McWhorter
- CityCast interview on THRIVING
- After 7 years, I am no longer publisher
- Woke Racism: notes from John McWhorter’s controversial 2021 book
- Keynes Hayek: The Clash That Defined Modern Economics
- How to have better conversations
- Fight Like Hell: under told stories of the union movement
- Metaphors We Live By from the influential 1980 book
- The Data Detective: notes from Tim Harford’s 2020 guide on numeracy
- Bunk: The Rise of Hoaxes, Humbug, Plagiarists, Phonies, Post-Facts and Fake News
- Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few
- The parenting lifecycle
- A list of once-great, now closed Philadelphia manufacturing giants
- The Rise of English
- Creativity is ‘Messy,’ notes on Tim Harford’s 2016 book
- What a feud between YouTuber Coffeezilla and influencer Logan Paul says about journalism
- The Undercover Economist: notes from Tim Harford’s 2005 debut
- The Authoritarian Moment: notes from Ben Shapiro’s 2021 book
- 3 ways journalists can use AI writing ethically
- Divided We Fall
- My 2023 Resolutions
- My 2022 in review
- The books I read in 2022
- I Never Thought of It That Way: notes on having difficult conversations
- Code of the Street
- Intellectuals and Society
- Merchants of Doubt
- Finding your ikigai
- Guns, Germs and Steel: notes from the 1997 classic
- How will the world end?
- Exploring the relevance of philosophy with “Plato at the Googleplex”
- Shop Class as Soulcraft
- Named among the 100 Pennsylvanians having the biggest mission impact
- Rules for Radicals: lessons from Saul Alinsky’s influential 1971 treatise
- Measure What Matters: a book on setting goals and hitting them
- Three types of “Journalism Thinking” coming from outside news organizations
- Happiness Hypothesis
- The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us
- Lil shoutout from New York Times
- Seek and Hide: The Tangled History of the Right to Privacy by Amy Gajda
- The Parable of St Laurentius
- The Quiet Before: the unexpected origins of radical ideas by Gal Beckerman
- Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals
- The Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed or Fail
- Dialect Diversity in America: notes from William Labov’s 2012 book on language change
- Thinking in Bets: insights on decision science from the 2018 book by Annie Duke
- Free to Choose: Milton Friedman’s 1980 defense of American capitalism
- The many locations of the Pen and Pencil Club
- Power of Habit: notes from the 2012 bestseller by Charles Duhigg
- FREE SPEECH: its history and future by Jacob Mchangama
- Stumbling on Happiness
- Me & White Supremacy: notes on the 2021 book by Layla Saad
- All the News That’s Fit to Sell: notes on mass media business models from the 2003 book by James T. Hamilton
- The half life of facts
- Craft in the Real World: advice on writing and workshop from Matthew Salesses
- Off the Books: The Underground Economy of the Urban Poor
- Why do people believe such strange things?
- NeuroTribes: autism and neurodiversity
- VC: An American History
- The Anthropocene Reviewed
- Capitalism & Freedom
- The Journalist the Murderer
- The Greatest Invention: notes on language and writing
- The Value of Everything
- The Culture of New Capitalism
- The Age of AI
- J.C.R. Licklider and his Dream Machine of personal computing
- Money: The True Story of a Made-Up Thing
- Lenape Country before William Penn
- Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid
- Write more effective resolutions
- My 2022 resolutions
- My 2021 review
- Imagine a kind of Community Criticism Readiness Index
- I bought my daughter an NFT
- A Brief History of Time: Stephen Hawking’s 1988 classic theoretical physics book
- Yeah, I chipped into a decentralized effort to buy a copy of the U.S. Constitution
- How to make a great checklist
- Spaces between words weren’t common until the 7th century
- Works Rules! Google research and data on running more effective companies from the 2015 book
- Some whiskey stories
- How to be happy
- Is that a Fish in Your Ear? notes on the 2011 book by David Bellos on translation
- Nonprofit news models are important. We need others too
- The Happiness Equation
- What if journalism wasn’t only produced by news organizations?
- “The Fifth Season” by NK Jemisin
- Here’s a list of Pennsylvania whiskey distilleries (and a few stories too)
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Homo Deus: notes on Yuval Noah Harrari 2017 book
- My environmental impact
- Notes from the 2016 book ‘The Rise and Fall of American Growth’ by Robert Gordon
- Personal finance is a social justice issue
- Notes on Malcolm Gladwell’s 2000 classic ‘Tipping Point’
- The strength of weak ties
- Marking 10 years of the National Constitution Center’s Constitution Daily blog
- Notes from the classic 2001 business book “Good to Great”
- One year later, here are my first small pieces of advice for new parents
- A respite from Philly Tech Week kickoff rainouts
- Notes on “Revolutionary Networks: the Business and Politics of Printing the News, 1763–1789”
- Resist flattening your neighbor
- The “Elements of Journalism”
- What is newsroom objectivity?
- Notes from Malcolm Gladwell’s ‘Talking to Strangers’
- Hold firm your beliefs, let your opinions change
- Newsroom objectivity and “moral clarity” are not in opposition
- Will the world be a better place to live in the future?
- A few quick personal finance lessons from Morgan Housel’s ‘Psychology of Money’
- Newsrooms should have and defend their ‘basic beliefs,’ not the tactics to get there
- What is my news, media or content business worth?
- Notes on ‘Stuff of Thought’ by Steven Pinker
- Either you ride the horse or the horse rides you
- I believe Donald Trump should be impeached
- My resolutions for 2021
- My 2020 Review
- Actual conversations I had in 2020
- White authors writing non-white characters
- How to live into your 90s
- Newspapers were once the big tech platform companies everyone hated
- My first political endorsement
- A few notes from my conversation with Guy Raz of ‘How I Built This’
- “I want to be the best in the world at something.”
- News organizations: how do you get throughout feedback from your community?
- “Ability to deliver for clients” can’t be anathema for news organizations
- Three emerging approaches to local journalism
- There was a crowd of us, now we are almost none
- When ordinary fear is enough
- Civility is complicity
- White Silence is Violence: a self-audit on doing the work
- Kim Crayton on Antiracism
- Don’t Blame the Hammer
- Notes from Scene on Radio’s ‘Seeing White’ in 2017
- Baby
- Advice for journalists graduating into a recession
- What does work productivity look like during a pandemic?
- Journalists as a ‘community directory of last resort’
- How to contribute to your community during covid-19
- Sometimes you have to go backward
- More notes on what I’ve learned about writing
- Thoughts on tax status and journalism
- Focus on longterm saving during recessions
- Technically Media honored for a commitment to diversity
- Opportunity costs: think of the big but not the small
- Notes on ‘The Invention of News’ by Andrew Pettegree
- My 2020 Resolutions
- My 2019 Review
- What I did with my two-year term on Philly Startup Leaders
- More Americans are coal miners than local journalists
- Local and national media: once no difference, and now the central difference of newsrooms
- Media Funders: Value the difference between Creation and Distribution
- I was given the ‘Community Leadership Award’ by the Urban Affairs Coalition
- Try a ‘Laser Day Weekend’ for dropping projects
- Klein News Innovation Camp keynote interview with Michael Smerconish
- Ways I combat my amassing lots of unused clothing
- Why we launched ADVANCE, a conference on smarter impact for nonprofit professionals
- Journalism Thinking: a lightning talk at Ignite Philly
- We lose focus slowly
- Here’s what I’d do to ensure local journalism exists 20 years from now
- Predicting the future isn’t as hard as predicting when that future will come
- What question is your work answering?
- Listen to my interview on the Ideas Elevated podcast
- Real Life Local News Revenue Experiments: ONA19 session
- ‘Journalism Thinking’ doesn’t need a business model. It needs a call to arms
- Stop Lying About Your Employer Brand: Disrupt HR NYC
- Find the people who give you more energy than take
- Here are a bunch of rules to live by from other people I love
- Authenticity is having no other choice
- A few things I’ve learned and love about whiskey
- The importance of journalism’s double-sided marketplace
- Note on “Reporting the Revolutionary War” from 2012 by Todd Andrlik
- Little ways an organizational leader can show her team she cares about them as people
- Notes from reading ‘Sapiens,’ a brief history of humankind
- To get only the ‘right’ words on paper, that’s the struggle: Janet Benton
- Lifetime Learning: listen to my IT Works commencement address
- 3 simple ideas for thriving in an open office
- The difference between developmental editing and copyediting
- Lessons I learned from my mother
- I moderated the keynote roundtable discussion at Campus Philly’s Annual Meeting
- Here are 5 trends in ‘startup clusters’ I discussed in a lecture at Jefferson Innovation
- Start with the doing. Then get to the done
- A few quotes I read recently that are stuck in my mind
- Notes from Sal Paolantonio’s landmark 1993 biography of Frank Rizzo
- Peru
- I changed a lot at my company. Here’s why beating a big Q1 revenue goal meant so much
- My relationship to alcohol
- Listen to my Founding Failures story
- The difference between reporting about policy and politics
- To be great, you must know how to change speed
- How we speak signals education. But it is not the same thing as education: Robert Lane Greene
- How to fund small projects as a CEO
- Nobody wants to follow someone who made General in Peacetime: notes from Tribes by Seth Godin
- Buy local; support independent artists
- Apparently I have a lot of opinions about what cup you should use for your drink
- Our ‘tranquilizing drug of gradualism’
- Punctuation today: notes from the 2006 bestseller “Eats, Shoots and Leaves”
- Notes from ‘The Hard Thing About Hard Things’ by Ben Horowitz
- How to show growth for employees at a small organization
- A thank you to my coworkers ahead of’s 10th anniversary
- Your retirement savings goal to strive for should mean you never dip into principal
- A look at the $23 billion Search and Placement industry
- What are you working toward?
- Lessons on “The Messy Middle” of business from Scott Belsky
- My 2019 Resolutions
- My 2018 Review
- Lessons on building an industry-specific community
- How I’ve improved my diet and eating habits
- Art tells us we are important. Science reminds us we are not
- 7 tips on writing from a collection of essays from the Oxford American
- Language is more like fashion than math: “Words on the Move” by John McWhorter
- Why English actually is relatively easy to learn (but not to master)
- This is a better question for getting perspective to make a decision
- Do you know when humans first developed language?
- Listen to my interview on “Philly Pod Who”
- My 12 Rules to Live By
- The Americas were more populated than Europe at the time of first contact
- on “The Business of Content”
- What we know from 150,000 years of human language
- Who is the ‘first money in’ on you?
- Watch this kind video profile of me from the Uncommon Individual Foundation
- 01:10: Hip Hop Icon T.I.
- 01:09: Daily Show Correspondent Dulcé Sloan
- 01:08: Singer-Songwriter John Elliott
- 01:07: Poet Danez Smith
- 01:06: Memoirist Lori Tharps
- Was today a good day? Did you get closer to being the person you want to be?
- 01:05: YA Author Blair Thornburgh
- 01:04 Comedian Todd Glass
- 01:03 Rapper Chill Moody
- 01:02 Novelist Zinzi Clemmons
- Leadership is something you do before you have a title
- 01:01: USA Today Journalist Jess Estepa
- Introducing The Writing Process: my new weekly podcast
- On a long drive? What’s one good new idea you can develop on the road
- Do not save writing for later, more will come: ‘The Writing Life’ by Annie Dillard
- What employee counts should mean to reporters
- Here’s the reading list from my resolution to only read books from women and writers of color
- Hey fellow white guys, we’re responsible for increasing board diversity and inclusion
- Economics terms that help me understand the world
- What a kid should graduate high school knowing
- Build the habit of making habits: resolutions of mine that stuck
- Privilege has nothing to do with how hard you work
- Notes on empathetic leadership
- Employer Branding is central to your passive jobseeker strategy
- On Spark Files
- Don’t try to be Silicon Valley: a SXSW panel
- 9 examples of substance from nine years of Technically Media
- Why is Technically Media not a nonprofit?
- Don’t be the ‘idea guy’
- You’re going to get criticized. Learn when to listen.
- Reporting on something wonky? Where are the people stories
- Don’t wait for things you think you deserve
- Notes on local news membership
- Morocco
- It’s hard to hate up close
- There’s no such thing as a safe investment worth making: ‘Personal Finance Day’ notes
- My 2018 Resolutions
- Goodbye to 2017
- 5 best read posts I published here in 2017
- Consider a tax credit for employed journalists
- What is your passive jobseeker hiring strategy? [DisruptHR]
- Wow, I’ve been writing here for 10 years. Here’s what I’ve learned
- 3 questions you should ask when you’re looking at new data for the first time
- Here are a few things I told a Young Professionals Council
- Journalism is a set of values, not an industry of competitors
- I helped organize Code for America’s inaugural national Brigade Congress
- Read this interview with me for Delaware Innovation Week
- In defense of friction (Or, yes, I think business cards still make sense)
- Journalists: what do you love first, the Reporting or the Writing
- Watch my appearance on the 2Techies podcast
- Great beat reporting results in you negotiating when to break news you already have
- Watch my interview on ‘The Blind Entrepreneur’ podcast
- A few notes on the 6th annual Baltimore Innovation Week
- Notes on reporting a challenging community journalism profile
- Read my piece in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
- Media is a mirror: what you see says more about you than you want to admit
- Beat reporters: here are some tips for interviewing efficiently and effectively
- I was proud of the 7th annual Philly Geek Awards
- Listen to my interview on the ‘From Founder to CEO’ podcast
- We hired lots of sales managers until we kept one: here’s what I learned
- What I learned hosting a weekly podcast for six months
- Full audio from my interview of Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney during Philly Tech Week
- Here are a bunch of ways Technically Media has taken a political stand
- It’s OK to know what you want
- Here are a bunch of ways to build a personal network with less time
- Mission and money should mix so impact can thrive
- Growing Greater Philadelphia: I was on this NBC 10 documentary series
- Journalism is the process of helping a community near its truth
- Why it took 8 years for me to become CEO of my own company
- By the time something *has* to be solved, it’s probably too late
- Ira Glass: We are fans first, and that’s why we won’t let ourselves create
- Newsrooms: be Accurate, Relevant and Productive
- 4 lessons from sports stars that stuck with me as a kid
- I spoke at the 16th annual New Market Tax Credits conference
- How to publish breaking news as a community journalist
- You’re adopting a puppy
- I am motivated by fear
- Reporters, we aren’t referees, we are in the game: thoughts on ‘Fake News’
- Watch this video interview I did on entreprenuership
- I interviewed Pa. Gov. Tom Wolf during Philly Tech Week 2017
- This is why you’re not going to create the next SXSW
- Don’t mix up censorship with civility
- +1
- What can you be blamed for?
- What I learned at our second annual ‘Personal Finance Day’
- Founders need to find moments to not show up
- cited in ‘Weapons of Math Destruction’
- New Sincerity is the answer to snarky post-modern web culture
- Stop using facts in your arguments
- Atlanta Tomorrow Tour dinner series takeaways
- Why the 20th century had such celebrated local journalism
- What I accomplished as a Pen and Pencil Club governor
- Getting married? here’s some advice on handling joint finances
- People you disagree with and people you dislike are two different groups
- With $1.67M in 2016 income, here’s what I learned with Technically Media
- All war begins with a premise of ‘better than’
- Subscribe to my new weekly Story Shuffle podcast project
- Reporters: how to handle correction requests from sources
- I use these 8 web tools more than any others at work
- Technically Media moved into new headquarters: here are some lessons
- This will be my first year of saying no
- What I accomplished professionally in 2016
- Reporters, here’s a strategy for handling your email
- My 2017 Resolutions
- I turned 30 and fell out of shape. Here’s what I did about it
- Folio magazine called me among the country’s 100 most important media leaders
- Here are some things I’ve learned about being a better writer
- What I’ve learned about letting go teammates
- 3 trends I learned this year that totally shook my understanding of the American economy
- “I want a thousand 100-person companies”: a few notes on my part of a profile on Curalate CEO Apu Gupta
- Listen to my interview on the MediaShift Podcast with Mark Glaser
- What I learned at the Online News Association 2016 national conference
- The speed of government (and other institutions) is a feature not a bug
- Here’s a snapshot census of reporters, editors and other news org full-timers in Philadelphia
- Recap of Barcamp News Innovation 2016
- In defense of “Off the Record” and back room conversations
- How to officiate your friend’s wedding
- Be a leader, not a founder
- Journalism is a strategy, not an industry
- Acts of journalism that aren’t written articles
- What I’ve learned hosting travelers with Airbnb for a year
- Listen to my recording at the 4th annual Philadelphia Podcast Festival
- I donated to a political campaign for the first time in my life
- What I learned from publishing a local news newsletter for 18 months
- On carrying on
- Beat reporters: stop hanging out with other journalists and spend more time with your community
- Here’s the data to put our country’s startup frenzy into context
- A list of one thing I learned each day of June 2016
- Don’t be a big timer
- Watch my interview from My New Philly
- Listen to this small business podcast interview with me
- This Knight Foundation report on Philly media skips us. Here’s why
- Here are some of my favorite historic photos of Philadelphia
- I am a white Airbnb host. I reviewed 102 guest requests to assess my own racial bias
- I’m going to try publishing a curated monthly newsletter: join it
- How I described what I do for a living to a classroom of first graders
- Better, not more for metrics of the future
- What made me proud about our sixth annual Philly Tech Week
- How to be a beat reporter today
- Watch me tell the story of the first time I went hitchhiking
- Some friendly advice on moderating panel discussions
- Cybersecurity is about to get a whole lot bigger
- National Novel Writers Month #NaNoWriMo advice
- A few things I learned at a ‘Personal Finance Day’
- Don’t say your city is the next Silicon Valley of anything
- I had 3 terrible customer service experiences in the last six months. Here’s why they were different
- I made 143 email connections in the last three years
- I bought a car. Here’s what I did wrong.
- 30×30: 30 things I’m proud I did before I turned 30
- We beat $1M in revenue in 2015; small, growing and proud
- On starting to drink coffee
- My proudest professional outcomes of 2015
- Religion as tradition, not rule
- I gave 2% of my 2015 salary to nonprofits with missions I support
- Here’s the audio from my on-stage interview of Philadelphia Mayor Elect Jim Kenney
- Surprises from our inaugural Delaware Innovation Week
- What happens to old customers when your prices go up
- Generalists and specialists: when to hire for habits and when not to
- Life after a liberal arts degree: my contribution to my alma mater’s marketing
- The news business is the only where the CEO isn’t meant to control controversy
- Innovation in Philadelphia Q&A with Dilworth Paxon CEO Ajay Raju and me
- One professor’s attempt at a $25 programmable robot: my profile of Locorobos and Pramod Abichandani
- Technically Media will be establishing new headquarters
- A few leadership lessons I was reminded of during an afternoon with Outward Bound
- I got married. Here’s a bunch of data on the experience.
- 7 events our news organization held for Baltimore Innovation Week #BIW15
- Stop worrying about having too many people at your event
- How Open Source is Changing the World: my keynote speech at FOSSCON
- Listen to this panel I moderated on encouraging diversity in IT fields
- A few thoughts on editing young reporters for community news
- This column about was spiked by the Philadelphia Business Journal
- Prioritize your mission, not your method
- Notes on putting the podcast on hiatus
- Innovation is taking a risk on a new approach for an old challenge
- @TechnicallyPHL named one of 25 Temple Twitter accounts to follow
- Great leaders sit in the audience
- Temple University’s Fox School honored me with the ‘Self Made and Making Others’ award
- I talked about leading on a leadership podcast
- I’ve joined the board of Coded by Kids
- Temple University’s Business Law Magazine interviews me
- What you can learn from the calendar of our fifth annual Philly Tech Week
- A few additions to Philadelphia magazine’s profile of
- Choose a time, not a place to live: my piece for our live podcast
- Horse tales
- Why I’ve (slowly and modestly) paid more attention to fashion for professional gain
- ‘Five for Friday’: Christopher Wink
- Entrepreneurs often start early: here are 5 of my own examples
- Listen to me on the NewsUp podcast
- Snowpocalypse: here’s a flowchart on whether you can park your car
- Qatar: everything I learned while visiting the wealthiest country in the world
- Leadership Philadelphia called me one of 55 young ‘keepers’
- Some professional accomplishments of mine in 2014
- A conversation on building a maker community: Philacentrics
- Al Jazeera hackathon imagines the future of news [GigaOm]
- My first internet
- 5 Aljazeera hackathon projects that signal future news innovation
- You can only succeed in building a business if you know what’s success: ‘Like a Boss’
- Smaller cities can build ‘innovation corridors’: my remarks at Tech2Gether
- Beyond Recruiting: I edited and published my first ebook for
- Named ‘Young Entrepreneur of the Year’ by the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
- Don’t build a company for 60 days. Try 60 years: SAP CEO Bill McDermott
- Digital Innovation in Marketing: advising a new online masters program from Temple University
- Every entrepreneur should be building a monopoly: Peter Thiel
- Greece
- Manage Your Day-To-Day: lessons from this 99U book on productivity
- A few notes on hiring for representation
- Gentrification is believing you are ‘Year Zero’: 100% Philadelphia at FringeArts
- Obamacare more than doubled my company’s healthcare costs: here’s what we did
- Wilmington, Del. needs to develop its innovation corridor [Op-Ed]
- What I’ve learned about running a regular professional meetup as a hobby
- Linking methodology at legacy media online for competitor scoop: Example
- I sold my 2000 Toyota Camry LE for $1,800, here’s what I did right and wrong
- How ‘innovation hubs’ are changing communities: My #RAIN14 keynote
- 5 reminders for every local news startup, with a focus on Philly’s ‘Billy Penn’ from Jim Brady
- 10 years after graduating, here are some high school stories I hope to always remember
- What the Committee of Seventy should teach other nonprofits about publishing
- Thoughts and data on proposing to get married and then sharing online
- Ideas are easy, execution is hard
- 5 ways the world will change in five years: Non-Obvious Dinner
- Founders aren’t scalable
- The difference between a beat reporter and a features writer
- I don’t believe the estimates for how many people attended your event
- Art with tradition is objective, that without one is subjective
- What the social impact of technology should be: my essay in the ‘Asteroid Belt Almanac’
- “Having a Plan B can muddy up your Plan A”: Charlie Day
- How print will remain relevant: the solution is in the problem
- My testimony to Philadelphia City Council on tech business growth
- I put people first, then technology: Biz Stone
- Facebook anonymous login [my KYW interview]
- NEast Philly: everything I learned by working on this now-closed hyperlocal news site
- Journalism isn’t what we should try to save: Philly example
- Brooklyn profile video from Alleywire
- 15 things Ice T said during an insightful speech at an MIT event I also spoke at
- How to do a simple lottery: randomizing entries for a contest
- “How Philly Tech Week Became an Institution” Philadelphia magazine
- Philly Tech Week: 5 events I’m most proud of happening
- “How it became cool to be a geek” Inquirer quote
- Makers, density and the rise of the rest: tech in 2014
- How Spring Street could thrive: survival for small towns in a new urban age
- Here’s the final math on my middle class $100k college education
- To pitch a reporter, there’s an invisible point threshold you need to cross
- 9 real ways I use social media to report that won’t bore you
- Understand the difference between climate and weather
- Pen and Pencil Club board of governors
- 10 Technically projects that never went anywhere
- Online, you’re always writing [Head & the Hand guest post]
- The end of my couchsurfing days
- Journalism DNA: Is a journalism outlet?
- Here’s what I accomplished professionally in 2013
- We need to deploy ‘Acts of Journalism’
- In defense of perceived negativism in good community reporting
- Don’t take that next photo you plan to
- How civic engagement is changing in Philadelphia
- Would the coup d’etat of the future originate with an IT leader rather than a military one?
- Online News Association takeaways from other Philly attendees
- Civic hacking helps us understand bigger social problems
- 3 themes of the Millennial generation
- How many ‘civic-minded’ residents do you really have?
- What you need to know to work at a startup
- Geek’s Guide to Dating: I was in a playful romance self-help guide web series
- A note of thanks to all the editors of the world
- This is the most accessible moment in history
- Google for Media tips
- Innovative News Storytelling: 5 ways and dozens of examples
- 5 things I told Google about innovative local reporting online
- Design elements you should steal from our redesign
- Guide to Being a Man [Business Insider list]
- My experience taking the 10-month LEADERSHIP Philadelphia core class
- Phone Bloks: reduce electronic waste by making hardware more adaptable
- Baltimore City Council’s first hearing on innovation economy; our role in it
- I profiled Kensington Blues photographer Jeff Stockbridge
- Four years later, launching new WordPress theme
- 5 transit ideas I want all cities to embrace
- Rules of online reporting
- Porn star as reporter
- My 10,000th day alive is a reminder to make excuses for elaborate festivities
- Lifehacks for living in Philly (and probably other cities too)
- Philly Geek Awards 2013 presenting [VIDEO]
- Are you experimenting, focusing or executing?
- Best of Philly and Best of Baltimore honoree:
- The Path Between the Seas: how the Panama Canal was constructed
- Experiments are hard to transition: a Philly public media example
- What if we instituted *maximum* ages for legislative office?
- Panama
- First thoughts on Axis Philly next steps: journalism collab CEO leaves
- Why I think this parklet is misguided and other thoughts on parking
- The web is so powerful to create niche communities:
- Why must I pick a side in the trial of George Zimmerman?
- Two reasons why getting your first female/black/Hispanic/Catholic/Jewish/etc. leader matters
- Judge your social media identity by whether you’d want to hang with yourself at a bar [Knight event]
- Jury Duty
- Radiator Heat: my ‘Rust Belt Rising Almanac’ flash fiction from Head and the Hand Press
- I’m in a digital divide PSA on SEPTA subway trains
- Civic Innovation: my answers to 7 questions I asked this Mayors’ Innovation Summit panel
- Fairhill Square Park Pay it Forward Project
- Why this reporter agreed to be in a digital divide ad campaign
- 5 Instagram photos from Philly Tech Week 2013
- Intern syndrome
- My favorite memes on the internet
- Campaign opposition research is a type of investigative journalism
- Drinks with George Saunders
- Photos, video and social media at events are our newest form of applause
- A Police helicopter ride
- 5 things I told a classroom full of journalism students yesterday
- Attract and retain new young, educated people but keep our cities distinctive [Knight Milennials]
- Categories are themes and tags are topics: WordPress users
- Publishing is no longer the end of the reporting cycle, it is the middle
- Hunting
- New Technically Philly office space
- Philadelphia’s technology distinction: Radio Times appearance [AUDIO]
- Firearm ownership
- ‘Even Cowgirls Get the Blues’: My favorite passages from the 1976 Tom Robbins novel on individuality
- Temple alumni magazine profiles Technically Philly
- 2012 professional milestones
- 2013 Resolutions
- my 5 best trafficked, most interesting and other posts of 2012
- Bathroom remodel
- Work longer < work harder < work smarter
- Social media for nonprofits
- 3 biggest fears about ‘future of journalism’ academia: Post-Industrial Journalism report conversation
- 11 student media startup ideas: Upenn Entrepreneurial Journalism Demo Night
- Reporters: today, your competition isn’t other journalists, it’s the source itself
- Inbox zero: email techniques for more efficient knowledge workers (like reporters) [VIDEO]
- When content partnerships (still) don’t work
- When a group of technologists got together to talk about July 4, 2026
- Jimmy Quinn Memorial Basketball League in Fishtown
- Relationships are currency
- Ghosts Story Shuffle 15: the wind chimes of Philadelphia
- Innovations (and shortcomings) in College Media: notes from latest ONA Philly event
- Philly is a sign of good, says Phillymag
- Why 10 percent unemployment and worse is our future, unless we rethink our economy
- Teacher talent is the biggest challenge to education reform: notes from Ted Hershberg
- 8 ways to make Philadelphia more innovative: Young Involved Philadelphia presentation
- Mark Headd is your new Chief Data Officer: Philadelphia magazine
- Puritan Boston, Quaker Philadelphia: notes on 1979 research from E. Digby Baltzell
- Eight Days in Spain: Running with the Bulls (and more)
- One Percent for Art Ordinance: in Philly, a percentage of all public construction costs must go to art
- “The Sun Also Rises:” my favorite passages from the 1926 Ernest Hemingway classic
- Technically Baltimore and Baltimore Innovation Week: we’ve expanded
- Philly Geek Awards 2012 presenting
- Corporate jargon: a collection and translation of common business slang
- Practical thoughts on the process of having recently hired reporters
- Memories I don’t have photos to remember
- Does your knowledge economy-based city of the future import or export more ideas, culture?
- Niche news site membership model perspective brought back to life from 2009
- Either build the news site for the mission or build the mission for the news site
- My first vegetable garden
- What is missing from my formal will
- This is what goes into a functioning news ecosystem
- Why are city assets shared by a region but not problems (and solutions)?
- Journalism is still letting revenue models slip away: my greatest fear for the future of news
- Junto presentation on social entrepreneurship in Philadelphia
- What the suburbs will be 20 years from now
- 5 reasons I bought a house
- Focus and causality: two lingering lessons from Steve Jobs biography
- How to make friends, build connections in Philadelphia (or any city)
- Pen and Pencil Club: I’m a member of the country’s oldest journalism club
- 5 things that Philadelphia tourism groups should do
- ‘What if Northeast Philadelphia seceded from the city?:’ Philos Adelphos Irrealis submission
- News coworking in Philadelphia: Knight News Challenge app on the future newsroom
- How the web continues to shape campus life: Temple Review
- Online News Association national conference should come to Philadelphia: here are 10 reasons why
- Hosting free events: why charging a small sum can add more value
- Facial detection can be blocked by changing the spatial relationship of your features: notes on event with artist Adam Harvey
- Philly Tech Week presented by AT&T: the second annual celebration of innovation
- the Philly URL shortener and weekly email that will make you a better Philadelphian
- To develop a community, you first need a common set of facts
- Philly Weekly cover story on Technically Media, Philly Tech Week and our roots
- Connect Philly: tool to locate free wireless hotspots in Philadelphia launched by Technically Philly
- 7 projects I started before Technically Media and why they failed
- How I first fell in love with information before I knew what the Internet was
- Philadelphia should own social entrepreneurship: presentation for Knight Foundation, others
- How to get a reporter to care about your business: a Lean Startup presenation
- NEast Philly: traffic, data and graphs on a hyperlocal news site
- SEO: the difference between the basics, the detailed and spam
- Baseball cards: 10 business lessons from my time in the sports memorabilla bubble
- Story Shuffle 11 SCARS audio is now live
- First 100 days as CEO of the Philadelphia Public Interest Information Network: advice for Neil Budde
- A reporter is only as good as his sources (are organized)
- 15 things I learned three years after launching Technically Philly
- Philadelphia Museum of Art: thoughts on making the Parkway temple to impressionism more accomodating and more relevant
- MinnPost CEO Joel Kramer: notes on dinner with the founder of the profitable news nonprofit
- Neil Budde named founding CEO of Philadelphia Public Interest Information Network [Press Release]
- Notes on bold change for the Philadelphia Media Network, regardless of who the owners are, and why it won’t happen
- There are no good U.S. presidents, just good times to be president
- Quirky Tumblr accounts I wish were active
- Social entrepreneurship should be Philadelphia’s regional distinction: my Pecha Kucha presentation
- Eric Smith of Geekadelphia says very nice things about me after I made fun of his work publicly [Video]
- Our Founding Fathers would have loved social media but questioned its future
- Local TV news is more entertainment than journalism and other notes from NBC 10 ONA Philadelphia Showcase [VIDEO]
- Philadelphia Evening Bulletin history: ‘Nearly Everybody Read It,’ a 1998 book from Peter Binzen
- A Brief Timeline of the History of Daily Newspapers in Philadelphia
- 5 ideas for hackathon projects
- I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did: a Social Network Constitution and concerns around privacy
- Balancing legacy and money in professional sports has lessons for the rest of us
- What would the Founding Fathers think of Facebook?: I’m moderating a panel at the National Constitution Center on privacy and the social web
- Why politicians cheat: five reasons that should leave us unsurprised by campaign affairs
- How the sources for story ideas change for a niche news site through three years
- My personal 2012 Resolutions
- My 2012 professional resolutions with a focus on RISK; review 2011 goals
- My 10 best trafficked posts of 2011 (and some others that I think are pretty good)
- Four Temperaments of Parenthood: Story Shuffle 10 audio
- Social entrepreneurship: how Philadelphia could have a regional distinction for startups
- Whitetown USA: 1968 book on the ‘silent majority’ of poor urban whites by Peter Binzen
- Prediction: my children will care less about technology than I do
- Urban imperialism: lessons from city boosterism of the 19th century for urban renewal today
- When you buy something, you are voting for its existence
- Choosing local impact or broader scale
- Is your news organization a fire hose or a block party?
- iPhone: my first personal smartphone and the first 15 predictable free apps I downloaded
- How foundation funding could be protecting a journalism pay bubble
- OpenDataRace: talking on WHYY NewsWorks Tonight about the contest
- Jealousy can motivate you to achieve success: Story Shuffle 9 (Jealousy)
- 21 things membership-driven design resource learned in its first year
- Boardwalk Empire: five lessons to learn from season one of the hit HBO drama
- Philly Tech Week April 22-28, 2012: seeking anchor organizers and sponsors for second annual festival
- Philly Daily News List of ‘Rising Power Players’ under 40; I’m on it
- Beware ‘filter bubbles’ online: TED talk from Eli Pariser
- American Association of Museums honored our work with a bronze award
- Macbook Pro: why this general consumer went the Apple route
- Quotable on WHYY: Temple University apps and maps studio funding could lead to ‘connective tissue’ of product pipeline
- Steve Jobs: ‘I don’t want to see us descend into a nation of bloggers’ [VIDEO]
- Still Life with Woodpecker: my favorite passages from the Tom Robbins 1980 ‘post modern fairy tale’
- Will jobs ever come back?: maybe there is an answer to the employment bomb
- Success in service industry: Retainers, recommendations and referrals
- Five things I learned about Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter watching his NBC 10 ‘Ask the Mayor’ program [VIDEO]
- ONA 2011: conferences are good for more than just their sessions [VIDEO]
- Shark Tank: 25 things I learned from watching the startup pitch reality TV show
- NBC 10 Philadelphia lists me among 20 locals to follow on Twitter
- Temple University’s neighborhood scholarships should go to kids, not undergrads
- Should your business use an independent contractor or hire a full-time employee?
- ONA Philly September: NewsWorks from WHYY one year after launching [VIDEO]
- #wjchat: curating Business of Journalism discussion on popular journalists Twitter discussion
- Open city data in Philadelphia: the obstacles and triumphs of the L&I example
- How 9/11 helped shape New York City for the better
- New Media Unplugged: Technically Philly hosts indie publishers event with as part of #UncappedLive series
- Local media should be more local on first reference, says Philadelphia man
- New York City is not representative of the United States: a letter to national media
- Technically Media team head shots by Colin M. Lenton Photography
- You have to be far enough away to be seen: Story Shuffle 8 (Anniversaries)
- Glengarry Glen Ross: 10 sales lessons from the 1992 cult classic movie
- The Golden Ratio by Mario Livio: were mathematics invented or discovered?
- ONA Philly: the revival of the Online News Association in Philadelphia
- Philly Geek Awards: one award, three nominations and a dozen ideas for next year
- Five things that should be in your organization style guide
- Why Philadelphia should embrace its accent
- Freddy Adams Tournament [VIDEO]
- JLab Enterprise Reporting Fund: Abandoned City and Broadband2035
- White House Urban Entrepreneurship Forum: speaking on public-private partnerships
- Selling Out: why some acquisitions are good and others are bad for Philadelphia business
- Temple Review: why big companies still lead innovation and how that’s changing
- Clay Shirky: “News has to be subsidized, and it has to be cheap, and it has to be free”
- District 172: John Perzel coverage for NEast Philly, funded by JLab
- Whitewater Rafting in Colorado [VIDEO]
- Utah and Colorado back country hiking road trip
- News Frontier Database from Columbia Journalism Review: Technically Philly and NEast Philly included
- Tweroid: When is the best time to be tweeting?
- Steps to incorporate a business in Philadelphia (or elsewhere)
- Technically Philly team photos by Neal Santos
- Ten Twitter basics you should steal from my social media strategy work
- Broetry Poetry Slam: ‘Portrait of a Bro’ in Spoken Word [VIDEO]
- NBC Philadelphia ‘Request for Proposals Cooperative Arrangement with Non-Profit Local News Organization’
- Knight Foundation funds Philadelphia Media Network ‘digital media incubator:’ thoughts
- Don’t try to sell for the first year but have a plan for what you’re doing to sell
- Make your Facebook page better
- Ireland
- How to migrate a blog to your own WordPress hosting
- History Channel: America, The Story of Us
- “Understand what business you’re really in. That’s what benefit you provide customers. Not what product.”
- FCC report: local accountability journalism is lacking, impact small when present
- Aspen Institute Roundtable on Local Journalism and the Public Square
- Hitchhiking in South Dakota: Story Shuffle 7 audio is now live
- Talkadelphia: talking to podcast about Technically Philly, Philly Tech Week, business
- Knight Commission Report on Informing Communities: crib notes on the seminal 2009 project
- Fahrenheit 451: my favorite passages from Ray Bradbury’s classic
- News needs to make more money on the popcorn
- NewsWorks Tonight: talking, SEPTA’s TransitView and OPA Data Liberator
- Philly Geek Awards: nominated by Geekadelphia for Philly Tech Week, Story Shuffle, Constitution Daily
- Art and Technology: moderating City of Philadelphia Creative Economy panel
- Random Hacks of Kindness Philadelphia: organizing, judging hackathon
- Fifteen businesses Philadelphia should poach from the suburbs and how they might
- How to choose a credit card for my small business
- “Being a reporter is only lately a respectable occupation:” Calvin Trillin
- Can you be a star in Philadelphia?
- Three ways one social network takes market share from another
- Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk: take aways and thoughts
- Penny Lane
- Gentrification: thoughts from seven years as student and young professional in Philadelphia
- WHYY: NewsWorks and other thoughts on what the public media org should be
- Three most important numbers to Philadelphians right now
- Technologies are more often tools than solutions (and no, that’s not the same)
- What the Philadelphia Public Interest Information Network should be
- So I guess is going to launch a South Philly hyperlocal site
- What should be: a comprehensive, collaborative and open source for all news in Philadelphia
- Do news orgs have a responsibility for action?: Notes from BarCamp NewsInnovation 2011
- How to dissolve a partnership and what to do next
- Rejection takes you further than success: why getting rejected a lot brought me here
- Philly Tech Week Signature event: video of my address and take aways
- Philly Tech Week: the inaugual roundup of coverage, lessons and highlights
- Osama bin Laden: 10 most interesting tweets around his alleged death
- The Night of the Gun by David Carr: three lessons from reading this ‘junkie memoirs’
- Lessons in civic pride: Story Shuffle 6 audio is now live
- unveiling, what it means, how it happened
- Kicking off Philly Tech Week, April 25-30, 2011
- Why this truancy ad sucks and what I think would be better
- Couchsurfing in St. Louis
- Hardly Strictly Young roundtable: alternative Knight Commission recommendations
- Five criteria for the flourishing of news entities of the future
- Homelessness in Philadelphia: what I learned working for a social services startup for a year
- Philly Tech Week Not Just for Geeks: Flying Kite profile
- Technically Philly article referenced in Philly Police Dept. budget hearing
- 25 things I learned from the best newspapermen (and women) around
- My remarks to Philadelphia City Council after resolution names April 25-30, 2011 as Philly Tech Week
- Sustaining the craft, not developing the craft itself, should be focus of Knight and RJI
- Technically Media meeting style: effective, productive and professional from home
- Technically Philly April Fools’ Day 2011: the stories we ran and those we didn’t
- Quotable: GSI Commerce exit for WHYY and design challenge for Temple Times
- My first police ride along
- 9 YouTube videos that changed my perspective on the world and the lessons I learned
- Three proposed ONA 2011 panels
- 15 best Back on My Feet videos we made in a year
- Faint Praise: Alex Hillman, Karl Martino encourage folks to read here
- Why print will last so much longer than you think it will (hint: we can feel it)
- Reading: Improving Sales, The Excuse Department is Closed
- Serendipity is alive: where I get my news in 2011
- “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it:” Simon Sinek
- NewsWorks MindMap: sharing my interests with WHYY
- Philadelphia media ecosystem: a profile by Net News Check with a nod to Technically Philly
- My Life To Do List got a face life; you really might not care and that’s OK
- Eleven lessons that shaped how I live my life
- Love is so much more about the technique than the ingredients and other Story Shuffle 5.0 audio
- If a topic is boring, then go into more detail: like with spaghetti sauce
- Exit Interview series on Technically Philly
- What open data we care about: moderating Code for America Digital Philadelphia event
- Whiskey Chats: Technically Media talks with Jim Brady
- Sunlight Foundation shares Transparencity open data project
- Grow audience and revenue: two ways to increase the number of news sources
- How do I reach out to bloggers and reporters for coverage?: advice from experience
- Tokyo: Archived Podcasting and Blogging from Junior Year Abroad with NBC
- Cancel your meetings: TEDx Midwest talk on on workplace management from Jason Fried
- Lead with that iron fist
- Technically Media office space, or why I have a flask on my desk
- Wing Bowl 19: ‘This would only work in Philadelphia,’ says porn legend Ron Jeremey
- What is Editorial Strategy: Definitions for Content Strategy and more
- Phillymag coverage of William Penn Foundation taking on News Inkubator concept
- Transparencity: Leading a Technically Philly open data grant project
- Why did you become a journalist?
- Philadelphia Productions kickoff party
- Philly Tech Week: introducing event series growing innovation impact
- How do I choose a payroll services company for my business
- Why Journalism should be like the catering business
- Universities should host the newsrooms of their neighborhoods
- Technically Media: working full-time for myself
- Philadelphia Republican Party: a new home for my senior thesis
- Constitution Daily: the best of the National Constitution Center blog
- Overwhelmed or underwhelmed: you’re probably going to be one, so choose
- How to be a freelance journalist: real advice from another young, unknown journalist on freelancing
- Focus: my goal for 2011; Growth: my experience in 2010
- Mummers Parade 2011: Reflections on marshalling with Hegeman String Band
- My 10 Most trafficked posts of 2010
- Technically Media Inc.: introducing a media services consultancy
- My 2011 Professional Resolutions
- Personal 2011 Resolutions
- Rosemary Feal, Modern Language Association, Metro Q&A: Stories that never ran
- Story Shuffle 4: SNOW audio is live
- The exotic nature of local: or why generic foreign gifts suck
- William Penn Foundation three-year $2.4 million investment in Philly journalism
- Foundations should require public art displays, rehearsals and performances
- The word ‘peace’ was last published more than the word ‘war’ in 1743, shows Google Books
- Business Insider mention of Technically Philly
- If I had unlimited money to invest in growing Philadelphia journalism
- interview on work with Technically Philly
- Telling stories with authenticity and complexity: or why Unstoppable sucked
- Five interesting lessons from Jay-Z interview with Terry Gross
- Back on My Feet presence online ten months later
- Cobblestone: a WordPress-plugin and local Crunchbase Knight application
- Lessons on creating an effective nonprofit newsletter
- Christmas 2010 Decorations
- News roundups: own your niche, learn and link when starting any content creation
- Someone else is doing a better job of tracking community news sites
- Newsworks: WHYY online news brand launching means a lot to these legacies
- What the Knight News Challenge could learn from ABC’s ‘Shark Tank’
- Leaving Back on My Feet as Media Director: what I’ve done in a year
- ‘Net neutrality’ future is about authority: Speaking at Philly NetSquared
- Digital camera: choosing a multimedia device for a nonprofit content creator
- How to draft a media kit: lessons from Technically Philly
- Patch is about as evil as Starbucks (and that’s less than you might want to believe)
- Rally for Sanity from Jon Stewart was long in ideas but maybe short in practice
- Online News Association conference 2010: OK, now let’s work together
- Voting information in Philadelphia
- Knight Arts Challenge in Philadelphia: my seven submissions
- Fund My Media J-Lab ONA pre-conference highlights
- Philadelphia Enterprise Reporting Fund awards grants to Technically Philly and NEast Philly
- Ignite Philly: The Power of Working in Threes
- Reading: God’s Pocket by Pete Dexter
- Technically Philly directory launches, more updates to come
- New Yorker profile of Nick Denton dives into online news profit
- Story Shuffle TERROR audio is live
- The Social Network: thoughts and reading on the Facebook movie
- Switch Philly: a roundup after the first major, paid Technically Philly event
- SugarHouse Casino: Thoughts from a gentrifying homeowner in the neighborhood
- Sarah Palin likes Lee Ellen Pisauro
- PhillyChitChat on Tek Lado launch party, posing shamelessly with Geekadelphia crew
- Young Involved Philadelphia State of Young Philly Entrepreneurship panel take aways
- Switch Philly: the startup presentation event from Technically Philly
- ‘Barrel of a Gun’ Mumia Abu Jamal documentary premiere thoughts
- The Wire: yeah, the HBO Baltimore drama is mad decent
- uwishunu blogging
- Philadelphia’s ‘blogger tax’ controversy speaks to state of blogging, future of media
- Stories that never ran: the Philadelphia workplace in five years
- Alaska (backpacking through the Last Frontier)
- ‘Closing Time:’ Joe Queenan’s on growing up poor in East Falls
- Story Shuffle on Authority audio live
- What is the ‘middle class’ and should the phrase be used in journalism?
- Volunteering with Back on My Feet presentation at Refresh Philly
- Businessweek on Henry Blodget: Passages on the future of news sites
- NEast Philly: West Frankford Town Watch profile
- Rodeo: Cowtown Rodeo in Cowtown, New Jersey
- Those are similar ledes: faint praise from the Philly Business Journal
- Nonprofits breaking news about their mission
- Three most relevant, mentioned and impactful Philadelphia columnists write in a niche
- Murder rates in Philadelphia and other cities are all marketing
- What a news story on a boy who wore the most underwear means
- Rework: the best of a business book from the founders of 37signals
- Shooting young black males, a column lost to the recycle bin
- Metro: Seth Williams stumps and Northeast Philadelphia Now
- Jonathan Alter at National Constitution Center, a storyteller with authority
- New York Times on the price of online journalism; broken pieces to return
- Perceptions involved in how we see the livability of U.S. cities
- This has been a bad week
- Seattle: a long-weekend in the Pacific Northwest
- Story Shuffle: introducing a themed, first-person storytelling event
- Final words on the reprisal of the young cop and the student journalist
- U.S. theatrical premiere, Madeleine Albright and what it means for local journalism
- Back on My Feet blog introduction
- Today Show (live on the set of the national morning show)
- Speaking at Build Your Buzz Workshop with Empowerment Group
- The Ultimate Runner: Back on My Feet story I penned is anthologized
- Metro cover on Frankford recovery homes, their content partnerships
- RSS feed back to full and, yes, I added a Facebook Like button
- CoPress Podcast: Speaking about Technically Philly and NewsInkubator
- Twitter is stupid and other lessons in hyperlocal content strategy: NEast Philly at BarCamp NewsInnovation
- Three months of social media growth for nonprofit Back on My Feet
- The Philly Post: City departments that need a Web overhaul
- BarCamp NewsInnovation 2.0: My take aways and experience
- Four Cs of developing communities on the Web
- Broad Street Run 2010
- Philadelphia newspaper auction aftershocks, including Hitler
- Summer 2010 unpaid Content and Media internship at Back on My Feet
- Seamless Workforce: Talking Philadelphia technology trends with Yoh
- Failure is not an option, it’s a necessity: Technically Philly at BarCamp NewsInnovation
- William Penn Foundation details plan for Philadelphia online journalism network
- Fishtown Spirit: Community meeting coverage of soda tax, I-95 and more
- BarCamp NewsInnovation 2: Who I’m hoping to meet
- Inquirer: My first couch surfing experience
- Why mobile matters
- Reading: ‘City of Brotherly Mayhem’ by Ron Avery
- NewsWorks: WHYY will announce new hyperlocal news initiative for northwest Philadelphia
- Gigabit Philly for Google on 900 AM WURD Carole’s Technology Corner
- Technically Philly stories that were picked up by others
- Introducing the 67th ward
- A lesson in branding for startups
- Freelancers: the rules and tricks of deducting your home expenses on your taxes
- Choose your business name on domain availability
- Lessons I’ve learned on writing better ledes
- Reading: ‘Remembering Kensington and Fishtown’ by Ken Milano
- Can you still start a freelancing career?
- The basics of a news story in five bullet points and five minutes
- Faint Praise from Philly Weekly Better than Best issue
- Have a sound byte for your TV news interview
- A high school journalism club curriculum
- WordPress themes I’m itching to use
- Five rules of freelancing I found and didn’t always follow
- The chair that’s reserving your snowy parking spot in Fishtown
- News forms of the future
- My favorite standard Microsoft fonts
- How to set up a freelancing sole proprietorship
- What I learned from working with the Frankford High School journalism club
- Teaching a social media teleconferencing course on basic blogging
- Appearance on 900AM WURD Carole’s Technology Corner
- Social media isn’t evil
- A new job: Media director for nonprofit Back on My Feet
- Fishtown Spirit: A neighborhood photographer wants more neighborhood support
- Ten things a journalist should never do
- Old journalist to young: Pitied, blamed or accused
- I love strikethrough text
- Future of News panel for Sunday Breakfast Club @ Union League
- Stories that never ran: What does a sex columnist look like?
- Technically Philly praise: two years of tweets
- WordPress themes I’ve seen used well
- How to switch from Facebook groups to pages
- Travel writing and why no one wants to hear about your European backpacking
- 2010 House Resolutions
- Reporting for Metro Philadelphia
- Everywhere I am online and why consolidation is still necessary
- Announced proposal for William Penn Foundation hyperlocal investment
- New Jersey: the global epicenter of hyperlocal news
- Welcome to Fishtown
- Personal 2010 Resolutions
- Stories that never ran: ‘Can the Devon Theater survive in Mayfair?’
- Making a budget: how a young freelance journalist might look at the numbers
- Required reading from 2009 for hyperlocal news entrepreneurs
- My best clips of 2009
- My 10 best read posts of 2009
- If 2009 was a slow start, then 2010 needs to be next steps
- News Inkubator: business help for hyperlocal news
- Leaving Frankford
- Hyperlocal news sites worth following
- Metro: Snow reporting, records and such
- Professional Resolutions for 2010
- Content breakdown of a healthy, efficient hyperlocal news site
- Buy a house (the first home of my very own)
- Clay Shirky: ‘a bad thing is going to happen’ to journalism
- Metro: Bicycle rally following hospitalized cyclist and legislation
- ‘Citizen Journalism’ is a phrase just like ‘Horseless carriage,’ and we needed both
- City Paper: Chris Bartlett, Gay History Wiki and preserving a community
- Reflections on CUNY graduate school New Journalism Models Hyperlocal camp
- Temple Review: Profile of lawyer-turned TV producer Lukas Reiter
- Community newspapers: a panel and their use of the Web at PhIJI
- Blogging for Big Kids
- Biden defends hyperaction at Committee of Seventy breakfast
- Metro: Adding human color to a Northeast Philadelphia fire
- Bicycle enforcement campaign launched by Philadelphia police
- Weekly in print, daily online: the new slogan of The Temple News
- Committee of Seventy: Highlights of November 2009 Philadelphia election
- Philly sports music
- Distribution or content: which is king?
- Phillies theme songs: music for Philadelphia baseball
- Take aways from the Future of Local Politics and the Web panel
- Metro: A Yankees fan roaming Center City
- Metro Phillies World Series package: Fans in the wrong city and best bars
- How much I’ve made freelancing in 2009
- Thoughts on Future of News panel at WHYY
- Payment for writers and journalists will continue to fall, positions reduced
- Philadelphia Wedding: Old boyfriends make bad guests
- How some established journalists see the rest of us
- Five reasons I should be professionally scared, but am (usually) not
- Metro: Q&A with “Parking Wars” TV show producers
- Knight News Challenge grant proposals: Technically Philly and NEast Philly
- Metro: Philly Parking Authority hate ahead of “Parking Wars” season three
- Subscribe to this site by e-mail or RSS
- Metro: North Philly teen who duct-taped cat has background of violence
- Hyperlocal news: a definition
- Grid magazine: Dansko, a responsible shoe company
- Online news startup dilemma: we have an industry fighting entrepreneurship
- Making mistakes since 1983: Speaking at Rowan University
- Metro: The death of the American post office
- Audience building with social media: Speaking at the PA Women’s Press Association
- PC users: How to use MS Paint for quick, easy screenshot selections
- Metro: Babette Josephs down on ‘Secure Communities’ initiaitve
- Introducing a new revamped @NEastPhilly: neighborhood news looks good
- Faint praise from Inquirer online editor
- Metro: Temple tuition hike warned over controversy
- Metro: Double-byline front page on wrongful firing
- Metro: Nutter warns of a Doomsday Plan C budget
- I'm buying a house and looking for help
- CityPaper: Million Little Stories on Popporn adult film
- Closing @Domelights: Of course squelching racist police babble is wrong
- Traffic plunges from site to my self-hosted version
- Introducing @MyPICCLine: a patient's account of the healthcare industry
- Introducing @MyPICCLine: a patient’s account of the healthcare industry
- TP Features: Interview with Chamber of Commerce chief
- Brief Fox 29 appearance discussing e-waste
- TP Features: Daniel Delaney of Vendr.TV
- Recent experiences in listening to your customers
- My guest post on studying in Ghana and other personal travel blogs of interest
- A freelancer needs a niche to survive
- Independently hosted and spruced up
- Three stories from one interview: Kevin Kiene of ezLandlord Forms
- A loose steer makes for a great test of local news coverage
- Six Twitter applications I actually use and recommend for news organizations
- Are Twitter and Facebook slow on monetization for fear of advertising?
- Philadelphia Inquirer John Yoo controversy doesn't seem to be much of a controversy anymore
- Grid magazine: Philadelphia factories are repurposed sustainably
- Technically Philly vies for Knight-Batten Awards for Innovations in Journalism
- Obituaries: a newspaper staple that should find a way into community news sites
- What if advertising wasn't in a recession, but dying?
- What is a blog and why do so many people hate them?
- Metro: Philadelphia casinos keep eye on prize
- Despite declining traffic, @ArthurKade is a story, what that means for media
- FootPrints Of Life @ Philadelphia Art Museum steps
- CityPaper: Million Little Stories on Shirley Boggs
- Five sales lessons that I don't think Seth Godin meant to give last month
- What links should mean to news media in the future
- Advertising with @TechnicallyPHL and what other Web startups can learn
- How good are your links?
- The state of social networking: what site is the best, the worst, a waste
- The reasons to link and what they say about your Web integrity
- Love for and lessons from a newspaper's 180th anniversary
- Technically Philly: Interview with adult film star Stoya on technology and Philadelphia
- Changing ways in which society collects information
- Why not every blog is written by a blogger
- April uwishunu posts: Hysteria, author appearances and BarCamp
- Pointing to free online ways to train journalists
- Inquirer: Dogs call for a neighborhood in change
- Cliches that journalists need to let go
- The Temple News: my four-years with the college newspaper of Temple University
- NEastPhilly city controller debate brings voters
- an introduction, a City Controller debate announcement and more
- Young journalists should learn how to write a business plan
- TP: Editorial on Philadelphia CIO call for tech support
- Community News Startups: Presentation notes from BarCamp for NewsInnovation
- Broad Street Run: my first organized race
- Advertising can't be the only option and other musings from BarCamp NewsInnovation
- I’m the proud new owner of my own business cards
- Every college journalist should be freelancing right now
- Reader response: kind words for a ballerina tale
- How I graduated and watched my peers have a real impact
- I'm at BarCamp, why aren't you?
- Smokin’ Joe Frazier’s feud with Muhammad Ali cools
- Bloggers need to respect old media
- Journalism classes that aren't regularly available but should be
- WHYY: Joe Frazier wants his whole story told
- Care about the future of news? then go to the national BarCamp NewsInnovation conference
- What was lost in the coverage of a student journalist and a Philadelphia cop
- Inquirer: The secret life of a ballerina
- PW: College rapper Asher Roth from Bucks County to hip hop star
- Beware working for friends, freelancers
- PW: International techno legend Josh Wink on Philly and his future
- When your brand is good enough to be a verb, coming to news media
- The pros and cons of my freelancing career
- What Twitter is really for
- When does a freelancer's workday stop?
- PW: Open source learning at Penn
- Attribution is not dead if we don’t let it die
- The four reasons for a freelancer to decide to write a story
- Success by association
- Who is teaching the next generation of journalists?
- Young professionals: get your handshakes in order
- The rules of when you can Digg yourself
- College graduates: when do you stop calling people Mr. and Ms.?
- Inquirer: Devon Theater reopens in Mayfair
- Live, from the Northeast – it's theater (Philadelphia Inquirer: 3/22/09)
- Live, from the Northeast – it’s theater (Philadelphia Inquirer: 3/22/09)
- Newspapers should make more money with their brand
- Turning down the self-promotion
- What is your blog's focus?
- PSPA: Eleven Ways to Improve Your Student Publication Today
- PSPA Conference speaker: Maybe I'm in over my head
- Redundancy: the art form of the freelancer
- Why I won't contribute to the Huffington Post and you shouldn't either
- Down with cover letters: Why journalists don't need them
- How to start a freelance writing career without writing samples
- The Franklin: what I learned from leading a high school student newspaper
- Clips in the digital age
- PW: Did Philadelphia ambulance response time kill a woman?
- Inquirer: Why are there so many aspiring librarians?
- The cost of the phone interview for freelance journalsits: how do you charge, what do you use?
- Seven habits of highly effective freelance journalists
- Blogging at See me
- This is the 500th post on
- How valuable are your skills?: newspapers weren't ready for their deserted island
- Introducing Technically Philly: covering the Philadelphia technology community
- Philacon Valley: The surging technology communities of Philadelphia, the Delaware Valley
- Phila. fine-arts scene goes where youth are (Philadelphia Inquirer: 2/24/09)
- Inquirer: Philadelphia's fine arts and social media
- Newspapers like the Philadelphia Inquirer need an attitude
- Why all journalists should use syndicated feeds
- Twitter, blog, new media, Twitter, blog, blog
- PW: Undesirable elements and an interview with Director Ping Chong
- PW: Frankford addiction recovery homes
- PW: Reader response for Free Library expansion story
- Required reading to own your name in a Web search
- Community journalism: What's the job and what's your life
- My elevator pitch: what's yours?
- 'Commonwealth Confidential' owns its Google Search, does your newspaper blog?
- Celebrating Valentine's Day with links from 2008
- Four ways to improve the Philadelphia magazine Web site
- Don't do it for free, freelancers
- Will the Philadelphia Inquirer Harrisburg bureau get trimmed?
- I hate PR-infused e-mail quotes
- Six month old trend, then I'm ready to join: is your newspaper like that too?
- Launching Technically Philly: a news site for the technology community
- Newspapers: stop moving around your online articles
- Why don't Philadelphia police and fire departments sell merchandise?
- Online newspaper revenue model links
- How, why and what should a young journalist start blogging
- Are WordPress, Blogger the next Angelfire and Geocities?
- Why losing a job can hurt men more (Philadelphia Inquirer 2/4/09)
- Inquirer: How unemployment affects men
- PW: Central library expansion on hold
- The Newspaper blog: salvation or suicide
- Give a Eulogy
- Inquirer: Zurich bicycle-trip personal essay
- My 10 favorite journalist bloggers
- Disclaimer: transparency on a journalist Web site
- My five favorite pieces of journalism ever (and of 2008)
- Your online videos: where to upload them
- Who is Tom Ferrick's heir: the best Philadelphia newspaper columnists
- The History of the Philadelphia Inquirer
- Flat Stanley in Washington D.C. for the Obama inauguration with Christopher Wink
- First to report Rendell named Obama’s vice presidential running mate: how an entire newsroom tricked me
- My Services: Hire me to tell your story
- Casting objectivity aside and supporting a former professor
- The Northeastern U.S. Cities: an embarrassment of urban riches
- How are those portable toilets going to hold out at the inauguration?
- Strange encampment near FDR Memorial in Washington D.C.
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day, before Obama presidency
- In Washington D.C. for Obama inauguration, Franklin birthday
- Really, how crowded is the inauguration going to be?
- CJR: How Vice President Rendell makes me want to be a journalist
- the Obama inauguration's young audience
- Your new journalism job: what do reporters, editors get paid?
- Full-text feeds, Partial feeds: What's a blogger to do?
- Inquirer blogs that don't own their Google searches: all newspapers need to learn
- My apologies to how the Philadelphia Inquirer, Daily News and are related
- Newspapers need to dominate local sports coverage
- The seven best pieces of Philadelphia journalism in 2008
- Why MySpace sucks, is lame: its shortcomings and possibilities
- SHRM: Smart Wireless Connectivity Key to Data Protection
- My problems with Google applications: holes in these journalism tools
- Wordle: Cool tag clouds for text
- 2009 New Year’s Resolutions
- Philadelphia Business Today: A newspaper doing video right, mostly
- Tell a metro columnist where his blog should go
- Blavatar, banner for
- A German nod to ChristopherWink dot com for young journalists
- A foreign correspondent's view on newspaper struggles
- Five books I reread in 2008 that you should try in 2009
- My five most viewed posts of 2008
- Rate my Publish2 entry: I am the future of journalism because…
- Twelve months of top journalism blog posts in 2008
- Professional Resolutions for 2009
- Your digital legacy: we know your wild past won't forget, but who doesn't?
- Photo Web sites online: do any win out as the best?
- Letter of Support for Eugene Martin (12/10/08)
- Disclosures
- No love from my alma mater for UWire 100
- Recession thick, but some sectors still hiring
- Blogging elsewhere in 2008: a highlight reel
- Give an excerpt of your stories in a feed, get more clicks
- The equipment of this freelance multimedia journalist: How I became a better reporter this Christmas
- Merry Christmas Day 2008
- Center City Philadelphia at Christmas: how our city and yours can do it better
- Center City Philadelphia at Christmas: how our city and yours can do it better
- When to forward post to meet your Web traffic: the busiest times on the Internet
- Broad Street Run 2009: I'm joining, are you?
- Newest BNET Energy-industry blogger, me
- So late in claiming this site, others on Technorati
- How developed is your contact list: freelance journalists better become collectors
- How many resumes do you have?: paper promotion of the young and unemployed
- The 10 best Philadelphia images from new Life Magazine Google archive
- The 10 best Philadelphia images from new Life Magazine Google archive
- OpenID: WTF is it, why TF it helps
- Can I offer services in photography, Web design without formal training
- My Lifestream: Everything I do online in one place, here
- Jason Martin: Which byline is my brand?
- Marketing yourself online: your byline is your brand
- Notes on seeing Europe from a train
- WDSTL travel essays posted
- Lifestream
- Web presences, social networking that can be put on hold
- Help me understand the credit crisis
- My Services: Freelancing for money in a variety of ways
- The boy in the train station coffee shop
- What can you do?: have a mental resume
- Youtube: my one-year anniversary emits thoughts as a device
- One year anniversary of
- Welcomed by the children
- Look at the comments, stupid
- New home, no Internet: My world in turmoil, give me a moment
- Happy Thanksgiving
- WDSTL: My first podcast
- Professional versus personal: My Web presence explained
- WordPress tags and categories: how a journalist can organize a personal site
- Lessons from WDSTL: podcasting, travel blogging, exploring
- Now I’m about to live alone (without roommates)
- Why I want a job: do you really want one too?
- Should an unemployed journalist have a business card?
- Can Philadelphia retain its best college graduates?: media industry looks bleak
- Your best friend (online): how many social networking relationships make love?
- Learn to e-mail better
- Freelance: Retired poet-priest in Irish Echo
- I heart John Baer: Move Pennsylvania Society weekend from NYC to Philly
- Young journalist for hire in Philly region
- Why this college graduate is choosing to stay in Philadelphia: should a graduate move on?
- Thoughts on City Paper cover story on Philly porn star
- Philadelphia, I need a place to live
- WDSTL Highlights: professional merit from backpacking Europe
- Your life as a press release
- Young, new media writer and journalist looking for Philadelphia accommodations: a cover letter
- I’m home from Europe, WDSTL
- One year ago: part of a panel discussion on high school newspapers
- Congratulations, President Obama
- European Backpacking
- Election Day
- Journalists are victors of the moment
- Halloween
- Philadelphia foods: The ones you know and those you don't
- Philadelphia foods: The ones you know and those you don't
- Why Can't Us?: I'm on the Phillies bandwagon
- A reporter, a journalist and a correspondent walk into a bar
- Self-promotion in a world of self-promoters
- How to get your press release noticed
- Story, article, piece: What are you reading?
- Wall Street versus Main Street
- WDSTL: a promo and pitch
- Journalism Tool box: What every young journalist needs
- What I want to do
- Weed and prostitutes: a conversation in Amsterdam
- My Life To-do List: A Web site to chronicle my obsession
- We Don't Speak the Language
- Failed post for BNet
- We Don't Speak the Language: European Exploration
- Graduation speech column for The Temple News that never ran
- Is Barack Obama a Muslin?
- To Europe: I am gone for at least a month
- Harrisburg, Pa. the city: Statistics and such
- 10 books Philadelphians should have to read: The best Philly books
- Squidoo: What the hell is it and why am I on it
- My Temple University commencement speech
- The Serge is Working
- The Wire: Should I learn something from Season 5
- Patriot-News: Pennsylvania Cable Network breakout box
- How a journalist can best use MySpace
- Tasty: Tomatoes and mozzarella, a true Jersey snack
- My internship with the Philadelphia Business Journal
- Are things changing at the New Jersey Herald?
- The new Facebook bumbles on
- My Flickr account reawakened
- A post-graduate internship done: what comes next?
- Someone who doesn't know me actually used my reporting
- Philadelphia photos: Air-conditioned churches and horse carriages
- Suggestions for the Philadelphia Inquirer
- The 2008 presidential debate locations suck
- Patriot-News: The state legislature on TV
- Yelp, I'm on Yelp
- Harrisburg International House
- Harvard University rejected me
- Internet Vacation: Because sometimes you need an IV
- Geronimo surrenders on this day, go jump in a pool
- Check me out on MySpace: why I am selling out
- My Commencement Address (Temple University: 5/22/08)
- I am the future of journalism (Publish2: 12/30/08)
- Summer is over
- What is Labor Day?
- Bank error in my favor, for a day
- My Pennsylvania State Capital To-do List: what you have to do in Harrisburg
- The new Facebook sucks
- KYW: My radio report on State Attorney General contender's criticism
- The Civil War is in my Capitol
- Best sports cities in the country
- There's a baby with beer on my news story
- Patriot-News: Brief on drinking age discussion
- nothing without me, follows my story
- Patriot-News: Dialogue on drinking
- 10 people on TV I don't hate
- Patriot-News: No-fly list keeps pilot grounded, he claims
- Patriot-News: Muslim airline pilot, wife file suit
- Capitol Ideas: Interview with state Senate reading clerk
- I have 400 Facebook friends: What I've learned
- Capitol Ideas: Farm Show wind turbine
- Patriot-News: Rendell criticism brief
- Patriot-News: Howard Dean in Harrisburg
- False Story — Rendell named vice-presidential nominee
- Patriot-News: Brief on Comcast and Big Ten Network partnership
- Patriot News: Breaking news on Howard Dean Harrisburg appearance
- Philadelphia Weekly: Electronic monitors for sex offenders
- Patriot-News: Domestic violence programs seek funding
- Patriot-News: Online brief on domestic violence group funding bill
- Patriot News: Mayor Stephen Reed and Obama brief
- NYTM: Barack Obama makes racial politics go away
- New blogging page on
- How the Harrisburg bureau of the Philadelphia Inquirer tricked me
- Morning Call: Wine shipment legislation stalls
- Point of View: Poetry for Reporters and Copyeditors
- Capitol Ideas: BlackBerry as legislative tool
- Morning Call Front Page: I-80 tolling locations released
- Vince Fumo: his color and charm and corruption charges leave
- When to go to kindergarten: who are the slower ones?
- The new media age is another Watergate divide for reporters
- Sussex County Farm & Horse Show
- Northwest New Jersey: a case for that extra geographical distinction
- Reader Response: Foment versus ferment
- Capitol Ideas: Blog post on Republican auditor general candidate
- This Land is Their Land: Could You Afford to be Poor?
- Reader response for Inquirer story on Harrisburg reformers
- Exceptional Parent: "Wisdom of a Child"
- Capitol feels bite of Pa. gadflies (Philadelphia Inquirer: 7/29/08)
- Inquirer: Front page story on Harrisburg citizen activists
- Rendell conference call on Obama campaign
- Booze, grudges and paranoia: what makes a journalist a journalist
- ESPN: Temple University Top 20 college basketball programs
- Reader Response for Babette Josephs story
- How walkable is your neighborhood?
- John McCain in Primanti Brothers like me
- Brian Tierney, Sam Zell: journalism needs the business attitude
- Legislator beset by reform movement (Philadelphia Inquirer: 7/22/08)
- Most powerful political reporters in Pennsylvania
- Inquirer: Babette Josephs criticized by “reformers”
- My Honors Thesis Web site: The Philadelphia Republican Party
- Google Image Search: The next frontier
- It's Funny: Darth Vader on Spike TV commercial
- Downtheshore in Wildwood for the weekend
- Pa. lawmakers seek special session on ethics reform (Philadelphia Inquirer: 7/17/08)
- Inquirer: Double byline on ethics reform rally
- Saddam Hussein: 29 years since coming to power
- Inquirer: Plans for rebuilding I-80
- A recent addition to Couch Surfing
- Time magazine: Could newspapers be nonprofits?
- Post-Gazette: Bonus scandal [with my audio]
- Post-Gazette: Bonus scandal defendants arraigned
- Post-Gazette: Legislators, staffers charged in bonus probe [with my audio]
- Post-Gazette: Legislator rejects award from White Christian Nation
- Slow day in the newsroom: Cherry pit spitting contest
- Post-Gazette: Pennsylvania firefighters in California
- Video: Molly and menstruation, circa 1953, seriously
- Greek mythology and state government; no, it’s funny, I swear
- Post-Gazette: Three years later, citizen groups still want change in Harrisburg
- July 4 Fireworks in Harrisburg
- Historic newspaper circulation data: how many fewer newspaper readers are there?
- Post-Gazette: Turnpike lease stuck in committee [with my audio]
- Post-Gazette: State passes budget [with my audio]
- July 4 Celebration in Philadelphia: I'm not there
- Post-Gazette: Pennsylvania cigarettes will be safer
- The end is here: Christopher Wink joined Facebook
- Budget debate can wait for Taps, okay?
- The 10 journalists I respect, admire the most
- Column inches: words to inches [Updated]
- Philadelphia Weekly: Father Figure
- Post-Gazette: Democrats hate electric deregulation
- Post-Gazette: Towns to pay for state police
- History will tell: the great newspaper bubble of the 20th century
- Vince Fumo at his best
- Post-Gazette: That's a cover story, son
- Post-Gazette: Municipalities to pay for state police under bill
- Sean Blanda launches Consumer Whore, changes the balance of commerce forever
- Post-Gazette: State's $28 billion budget agreement
- Post-Gazette: Environment, energy in budget deal
- Capitol Wire: Keystone Opportunity Zone program extended, expanded by Senate
- Leaving the Capitol at 10:30 P.M. on a Sunday
- Baltika: the kind of stuff you find in a Russian supermarket
- The Pennsylvania Legislative Correspondents’ Association: a brief history
- Capitol Wire: Professor calls leasing the turnpike "risky" at hearing
- Sometimes you have to go into work with a mohawk
- Capitol Wire: A. Richard Gerber, Democratic politician, 73, dies
- Capitol Wire: State graduation exam criticized in House committee hearing
- Budget negotiations start getting serious
- Capitol Wire: Tuesday's budget negotiations focus on Rainy Day Fund
- Capitol Wire: Bill: bullet-proof vests would be required for security companies
- Capitol Wire: Bill to limit displaying human remains suspended
- Capitol Wire: Clean air taxi cab bill
- Capitol Wire: Winery bill criticized in House committee hearing
- Capitol Wire: McCain criticized in small Capitol rally
- Capitol Wire: Senate Banking and Insurance committee on health care
- King of Prussia: the child of Philadelphia tax structure
- Capitol Wire: Pennsylvania House insurance committee hearing coverage
- Capitol Wire: Child safety task force
- Welcome to Capitol Wire, Christopher
- Dwight Evans owns the world
- Angry Journalist contribution
- Academic honors during my Temple University career
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Dog kennel hearing
- About the most racist thing I've seen on TV
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Front cover story on Pittsburgh casino
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Illegal immigration rally
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Rendell and furloughing payment
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Casino grows, financing looms
- Guantanamo: Extreme Makeover in Philadelphia
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Kilbuck landslide
- Those who don't want to pay I-80 tolls in Pennsylvania
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Rendell and furloughs
- Are you popular? Let the 1940s judge
- Bill’s Graduation Lessons (Newsweek submission: 6/9/08)
- Press release of the day: new bathrooms
- State government comes down to vandalism
- Statewide smoking ban passes conference committee
- Tribune Review: Property tax elimination seems doubtful
- Property taxes abolished, probably not
- Welcome to Harrisburg
- Last day in 3333 North Park Avenue
- Finally, a women's soccer franchise in Philly
- Indiana Jones IV
- Graduation Photos
- UWire 100: I'm on it
- Six days from now
- Six days from now: excerpt
- Today I graduated from Temple University
- Graduation: closing out my thesis
- Home tomorrow: Lakota picture slideshow
- JoAnne A. Epps: new dean of Temple University Beasley School of Law extended interview
- Bill Green: three generations profiled by Philadelphia magazine
- Linda Rosanio: raising money for Susan G. Komen with Mama Nancy Catelli meatballs
- Last major Philadelphia Business Journal clip… for now
- Susan Barnett: bringing local news to CBS 3
- Lakota reservation reflections
- Learn how to go on a date the right way
- White River, South Dakota: I should be there today
- Tony Lain is dead: excerpt
- gets new Web site redesign
- The Temple News: An open letter to President Ann Weaver Hart
- I'm road tripping in South Dakota, but I'll keep this popping
- Rae Scott Jones: helping St. Joseph's keep up with the Scott-Joneses
- Philadelphia police beating is not as bad as Rodney King
- The Sons of Ben: Philadelphia soccer fans benefiting Chester
- How the Republican Party chooses a candidate to support in Philadelphia
- Finals: Mr. Rogers moves on, seeks social security and health care
- Finals: Flyers in 1987, Ron Hextall interviews naked
- Tony Lain is dead
- Finals: Michael Jordan flu game in 1997
- Taking finals, give me some time
- Registered Republicans in Philadelphia compared to region
- The Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund showing the Spirit of Philadelphia
- My last day at the Village of Arts and Humanities
- I was at Mike Schmidt's wine-tasting
- SCA Americas celebrates Earth Day with Philadelphia schools
- Janet DeArmond: demoted to the top of Customer Service Review
- Goodbye Village: last day of classes of my college career
- George Washington made president 219 years ago today
- My post-graduate plans resolved… for now
- Our promise to Lacey: Lacey Gallagher remembered one year later
- Last week of my college career
- Trigger Happy TV: Don't trust this man
- Page one, double byline for Philadelphia Business Journal
- Former Inquirer columnist Steve Lopez in Philadelphia
- Chet Zoltak: the human resources feel eight hours closer to home
- Political endorsements don't mean 'jack'
- Fumo candidate beats out Johnny Doc, affecting the Republican
- Hillary wins Pennsylvania primary
- The April 22 Pennsylvania primary in Philadelphia
- The unveiling of my Philadelphia Republican Party honors thesis Web site
- Ed Rendell + Barack Obama = Hillary Clinton
- Baracky: the next Internet video sensation
- Monday, Monday
- Mass transit makes us warm, development assures it won't matter
- Barack Obama: from untouchable deity to struggling politician
- Pennsylvania: a review of racial politics displayed in Rendell and Swann battle of 2006
- Dan Soskin of Pinot: wine and dogs, 'the good things in life'
- The dangers of being a TV news reporter
- Denise Williams: the Philadelphia branch of Goodman Marketing Partners
- Interview: Kevin Kelly, Young Philadelphia Republicans
- Covering Joe Frazier for The Temple News
- John McCain = George Bush
- Crazy tax revolution lady
- It's April 16; do you know where your taxes are?
- Frank Rizzo 1987 mayoral campaign TV advertisements
- It's tax day 2008; why not an absurd Youtube video?
- Barack Obama addresses the latest snafu, bitter Pennsylvanians
- John Dougherty to take Vince Fumo's seat; no Republicans to be found
- Ed Rendell for Hillary
- The complications of a student journalist
- Finally, the U.S. electoral system explained
- Barack Obama clashes with Philly-style machine politics
- Q&A with Joseph P. Campbell, CEO of Royal Bancshares
- Smerconish has a take on those new Democratic Philly suburbs
- Stephanie Reyer: meeting old things for the first time, like Philadelphia and the Constitution
- Temple University Research Forum
- Bowling Remington & Vernick: bowling for charity, economy be damned
- The McCain Girls revived
- Montgomery County goes Democratic
- Gary Frisch: polar swimming for hunger
- Nonpartisan elections: the take by Sam Katz, John Street, and others
- E. Robert Levy: the mortgage crisis explained
- Glen Macnow: please rank Philadelphia cheese steaks again
- David Dinenberg: growing Grasso
- Weatherman apparently on the parole release program
- Keith Olberman goes off on Wal-Mart
- Interview: Sam Katz, a three-time Republican mayoral candidate
- Bob Barnett: former Sam Katz campaign director
- It's always sunny in Philadelphia
- Interview: Ellen Kaplan, Committee of Seventy policy director
- The Committee of Seventy: a century-old political watchdog
- Interview: Michael Meehan, Republican City Committee general counsel
- Interview: John Street, former Philadelphia mayor
- Interview with former Philadelphia Mayor John Street
- Weiner Pooper ransom note
- Hillary and Bosnia by CBS News
- Philadelphia Eagles, Phillies show holiday spirit
- Philadelphia is getting taller
- 'I like turtles'
- Philadelphia's second Ronald McDonald House
- Francoise Gilot donation to Ursinus College outside of Philadelphia
- Bank robber can't read sign
- You have been incorrectly honored
- Bank of America gives $1 million to Constitution Center
- Rewriting presidential history
- CBS News blooper: staged flood video
- The future of print media
- The small Hillary Clinton
- Steve Emerson: from Alaska to New Jersey, for family
- The Evil Easter Bunny
- 'It's raining John McCain'
- Helping kids out of the closet, into the Attic
- Barack Obama: the baller
- Trigger Happy TV: Lost in a hedge
- James Buysee: the Philadelphia office
- Interview: Joe Egan, Republican mayoral candidate
- Complete video of Barack Obama's speech yesterday
- Tracy Morgan presidential analysis on Weekend Update
- When a press release is like a friend who talks too much
- Multimedia coverage of Hillary Clinton at Temple
- What patronage means
- My coverage of Barack Obama in Philadelphia
- My grandfather waits: excerpt
- Anniversary of first walk in space by man
- Covering Barack Obama tomorrow in Philadelphia
- Mike Schmidt launches wine for charity… seriously
- Medical ailment interrupts interview
- My grandfather waits
- What does St. Patrick's Day mean to you?
- Barack Obama in Philadelphia on Tuesday
- How celebrities recover from scandal
- Matt Taubenberger the replacement for George Kenney
- The Temple News: College Democrats and Republicans debate
- Temple Owls are going dancing!
- The myth of reason
- Free consulting: latest story in the Philadelphia Business Journal
- Perry Weinstock: doctoring across the river
- Keith Olberman weighs in on Ferraro controversy
- Philadelphia region with new heroes, bank cash
- Hillary Clinton at Temple University
- Hillary at Temple, Barack coming next
- Florida, seriously?
- Vintage Philadelphia baseball video
- My final basketball game
- John McCain ad: oh, you like Roosevelt and Churchill, too?
- Everette Scott: where sports and entertainment meet legally
- It's Friday, depressing poetry day!
- Why do people hate Stephen A. Smith?
- Durkeim's suicide causes in final last words
- Durkeim’s suicide causes in final last words
- Chris Wink: Philadelphia Philosopher?
- The Onion movie: finally, real news
- Sending soldiers corporate love in 'Hugs from Home'
- Simone Weil and affliction
- Reality's absurdity to Existentialists
- Reality’s absurdity to Existentialists
- Logical paradox in Kierkegaard
- Existential men of de Beauvoir
- Absurdity in Camus
- Chris Wink: what's in a name?
- Philadelphia police fire back
- A blog for the Village of Arts and Humanities
- Japanese Ronald McDonald or just freaking out
- Why I am everywhere online and you should be, too
- Yo Gabba Gabba gets down
- Finally, cartoons sell what's important: cigarettes
- The supernatural: graves and ghosts at Temple University
- So far from home
- So far from home: excerpt
- Janet Jackson teaches Larry King how to dance
- My Harrisburg Internship
- Your grandmother playing nintendo
- New York Times gets down, plagiarizes
- Christopher Wink reports on Bill Clinton speech
- Attendance spotty at event to improve attendance
- Kate Flynn: the health of the Philadelphia region
- Toddler sings, wins hearts, asks for contract extension
- Mike Huckabee on Saturday Night Live
- Martin Heidegger and other sexy reading to be had
- A review of Martin Heidegger on being
- Christopher Wink does Hall & Oates
- The Temple News loves CREED!
- Patrick Murphy: preserving the American way in Philadelphia
- Saving 2nd Base one shirt at a time
- Chris Berman: screaming and defending
- Sharing 'Seeking Widsom' from Philadelphia Weekly
- Barack Obama looks pretty to the camera
- Philadelphia Business Journal: Globe-trotting accountants clip
- God and politics in Lynchburg, Tennessee
- Shooting at my Philadelphia subway stop
- A video tribute to George Washington's birthday
- Stuff white people like
- Interview: Phil Goldsmith, Philadelphia former managing director
- John McCain, surprisingly Liberal
- Reporter takes fall on TV for our enjoyment
- Philly super delegate endorses Obama
- My travel videos on AOL
- Philly super delegate endorses Obama
- Understand the Democratic vote through dance
- Obama as the front runner
- We're AFSCME
- Progress Plaza video
- A Port Richmond Puerto Rican
- Dianne Reed: A woman of fiscal mind watches our youth
- Rappin' Mix Master Mayor
- Michael Nutter on 'World News Tonight'
- New Opera makes East Coast debut in Philly
- First place Keystone Press Award
- Look, another list that criticizes Philadelphia
- April waits for May
- The diary of a mad, black, super delegate
- Like someone thought she was. Special: excerpt
- My son was riding this Chinese bus
- Arrest that jaywalker
- Like someone thought she was. Special
- A visit on the Fox 29 morning show
- Political ad of the century?
- Philly Mayor to be featured on ABC's 'World News'
- Andrew Brock: Getting out of his father's shadow
- Chicken attack in area high school
- Check out presidential hair
- Should you post an alleged rapist's photo?
- Bill McDowell: Designing on Philadelphia's parkway
- Johnny McCain is front-runner, again
- Travel videos posted
- Mark Helpin, Kornberg School of Dentistry and Temple University saving young teeth
- Dreamah's nightmare
- Dreamah’s nightmare
- Interview: Brett Mandel, Philadelphia Forward executive director
- Interview: Fred Voigt, Committee of Seventy former executive director
- T. Milton Street
- Ike Johnstone: a video interview posted
- Worst poll ever
- Kazaam: Everything is the same
- Crazy Hillary Photo caption contest
- Your new source for political definitions
- Worst Super Tuesday Youtube videos
- Fox 29 video from Super Tuesday interviews
- The Temple News Web site launches
- Christopher Wink on Fox 29 News
- Gary Foster: a weighty new challenge
- Cadence Cycling Foundation: giving North Philadelphia kids the bicycle dream
- University does something illegal to puppy
- Nicole Williams: a rare model
- Men's college basketball video
- The professor and the sexpert
- Campus unknown named next dean of Japan campus
- John Perzel 2
- Post-racial urban politics: hardly
- Wanna read 100 words on layoffs?
- Philadelphia taxes created King of Prussia, lost jobs
- A publishing meeting
- George Kenney
- Nearby Francisville is led by a man with a past
- Boxing legend and son fight different type of foe
- Domestic Travel in 2005 and 2006
- A week in Italy and its cities
- Domestic Travel in 2007
- A West African Summer in 499 Words
- On attendance of a funeral
- Lakota Reflections from the Rosebud Reservation
- Habitat for Humanity in Laredo, Texas Reflections
- Tijuana Reflections from January 2005
- Elwood P. Smith
- Grieving, angry and determined (Philadelphia Inquirer: 1/22/06)
- Ronald Reagan and racial politics
- A Generation of Change (New York Times Magazine: 8/3/07)
- John Taylor
- The other Tom Ferrick
- Interview: Eric Mayes, Philadelphia Tribune political reporter
- My future in a manila envelope
- Interview: Randall Miller, St. Joseph's University history professor
- Archived Blog – Tokyo Never Happened
- Japan dean candidates have surprise ties to university (The Temple News: 11/27/07)
- Archived Blog – For Starters
- TUJ dean retires for the sea (The Temple News: 12/4/08)
- Junior Year Abroad: an online-only NBC pilot travel podcast
- Tokyo, Japan Study Abroad Reflection
- Greetings from Abroad: a first e-mail from study abroad
- Backpacking in Eastern China December 2006
- Dispute ends with one dead, one hurt (Philadelphia Inquirer: 4/26/06)
- Road-rage case ends in a guilty verdict (Philadelphia Inquirer: 4/1/06)
- Study Abroad in Tokyo, Japan Fall 2006
- Airline-flight harassment case is heard (Philadelphia Inquirer: 3/18/06)
- Travel Well (Newsweek submission: 3/18/07)
- My Cross-Country Adventure Summer 2007
- Studying Abroad in Ghana, West Africa Summer 2005
- Philadelphia Inquirer Internship Reflection (5/23/06)
- Stirring the Melting Pot
- Japan and Germany: At War Together
- Does North Korea Matter?: An undergraduate research paper
- Fatherly Advice (NPR submission: 5/20/07)
- Larry Rosenthal
- University professors
- Interview: Dave Glancey, former Democratic City chairman
- An unannounced welcome
- Clarence Armbrister
- Chris Satullo
- Interview: Tom Ferrick, Philadelphia Inquirer columnist
- The competition
- Interview: Dave Davies, Philadelphia Daily News senior political writer
- When national politics haunt Philadelphia candidates
- Al Taubenberger
- Soon-to-be Mayor-elect Michael Nutter
- Al Taubenberger campaign commercial
- Seamus Mcaffery another
- Taubenberger and Nutter
- Philadelphia Republicans courting Democrats
- Seamus McCaffery campaign
- Campaign ad: Olivia Nutter on public schools
- Honors Thesis: time to focus on Philadelphia
- Interview: Karen Kaufmann, University of Maryland associate professor of government and politics
- Seamus Mcaffery: a mayoral contender?
- The effects of national politics in the local scene
- Steve Lopez: the columnist
- John Perzel with Fox Chase
- Pete Dexter: the columnist
- Michael Smerconish
- Carl Singley
- Dennis M. O'Brien
- John Perzel
- City Hall
- Bob Brady
- Al Schmidt: an element of change in the city's Republican Party?
- K. Leroy Irvis
- John Perzel 3
- Philadelphia magazine: Can Michael Nutter be a reformer?
- Ed Rendell
- Jack Kelly
- Atlanta: give me your Republican mayors
- Joe Hoeffel
- Phoenix: an active urban Republican Party
- Thatcher Longstreth
- Frank Rizzo
- Temple College Republicans
- Shame of a City: a Philadelphia mayoral election documentary
- Red, White Blue and Black: an honors thesis proposal
- Judge Seamus McCaffery: city Democrats run state-wide, GOP doesn't
- Benjamin Flanders: last Republican mayor of New Orleans
- Thesis timeline
- This thesis project will involve Philadelphia politics, to be sure
- An honors thesis focus: the Philadelphia Republican Party
- This site is under construction
- Honors thesis: a proposal or several
- An honors thesis proposal
- Final JYA Episode
- Hurricane Katrina volunteering in New Orleans
- Tokyo Never Happened: Episode Nine
- Japanese Names
- Lasting Memories
- Parting Thoughts
- The Scavenger Hunt: Episode Eight
- My Homecoming
- My Pledges: Evaluated
- Tsunami
- My Life To-do List
- Smarter
- An American Party
- The Tokyo Dome
- Karaoke
- Pachinko
- Fall Colors: Episode Seven
- The Tokyo International Film Festival
- Nikko: Part Two of Two
- Nikko: Part One of Two
- Math
- Japanese Food: Episode Six
- The Dalai Lama
- Thanksgiving
- Sempai and Kouhai
- Street Fair
- Know Your Enemy
- The Bento
- The Forgotten Japanese
- A Clear Night
- Tsukiji
- Government Buildings
- The Odd Couple
- Directions
- The Imperial Palace
- Costs
- Japanese Addresses
- Japanese Culture: Episode Five
- Disparity
- Teaching English
- A Ragged Steno Pad
- Reader Response 3: My Day
- My Bicycle’s Name: THE RESULTS!
- Kabuki
- Reader Response 2: Baseball
- Reader Response 1: Suggestions
- The Honorable Visitor: Episode Four
- Kyoto Part 6 of 6: Tuesday
- Kyoto Part 5 of 6: Monday
- Kyoto Part 4 of 6: Sunday
- Kyoto Part 3 of 6: The Night
- Kyoto Part 2 of 6: The Road
- Kyoto Part 1 of 6: The Plans
- Leaving for Kyoto
- Mitakesan Buddhist monastary
- My Bicycle’s Name
- Home
- Capsule Hotel
- Tokyo Feeling
- The Window
- Japan Part 3 of 3: International
- Japan Part 2 of 3: Domestic
- Japan Part 1 of 3: Tokyo
- Donald Richie: Episode Four
- Travel
- Bicycle
- Climbing Mount Fuji: Episode Three
- Jaa mata
- My Fingernails
- Americans!
- Yasukuni
- Daibutsu
- Man vs. Machine
- Understanding
- Shortcomings
- Disorientation: Episode Two
- Out for Battle
- Ingoshira Park
- Professors
- The Grand Sumo Tournament
- Yasuda and Jikoin
- Languages
- Pledges
- The News
- Kichijoji Omatsuri
- Yokohama
- Learning Tokyo
- Settling In
- Classes
- Mount Fuji: Part 3 of 3
- Mount Fuji: Part 2 of 3
- Mount Fuji: Part 1 of 3
- Introductions: Episode One
- For Starters
- Africa (My summer abroad in Ghana, West Africa)
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