A personal journey essay of mine appeared in today‘s Sunday edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer.
If I keep my hand steady long enough, I just might get a photograph of me racing down the steepest hill in Zürich on a bicycle. But I’ll have to settle for the shot of me standing on a dock on Lake Zurich, shadowed by the yellow sun, framed in crystal blue skies, as I peer at the Swiss Alps, not 20 miles away. Read the rest here.
See related video, another photograph and read some details on the story below.
I offered to edit some video to accompany the story online, but no takers. Here’s the full video that I was willing to trim down.
But I was happy to get what I suppose I can consider my first professional travel story accepted.
I pounded out the essay. I was reminded of the story and wrote the 500-words in no more than 45 minutes. Then I spent another half-hour editing it, with the help of a friend. After submitting it, an editor approved it, then reviewed it, calling me for clarification on a few points. Then it went through copy editing and ran in today’s Inquirer, an edition with more than 350,000 subscribers.
Not much work at all to forever cast a very special few hours with friends on Oct. 16, 2008.