I have been pretty active developing my blogging skills. No, seriously, there are blogging skills.
So, when I saw that BNet, an online business news site launched in 2007 by CNet Networks, was looking for bloggers, I wanted to give it a go. I’ve been in talks with some folks there, who wanted me to start with some trial posts. Trouble is, I’m in Europe.
I did get one done before I left. However, it seems I missed their focus a bit. I got an e-mail from one of BNet’s editors yesterday, thanking me for posting but telling me the following:
We tend to avoid pieces about stock and commodities prices. Were more interested in the goings on inside Energy companies.
Backpacking in Europe these days keeps me a little busy, so I’ll try to figure this out when I return.
After the jump check what I submitted.
By Christopher Wink | Sept. 30, 2008With market volatility, when some sectors fall, others stumble.
Monday, as light, sweet crude oil trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange suffered huge losses federal lawmakers announced that negotiations over tax incentives for the production and use of renewable energy have stalled.
Nymex oil fell $10.52 to $96.37, the largest percentage drop since 2001 and second-largest dollar fall in history.
The House and Senate failure to agree on extending expiring federal tax law affecting renewable energy users and providers came before Monday’s historic fall in oil, but they are likely related. With expectations that crude oil prices may remain below $100 per barrel and a global financial crises building, attention for solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative power sources has fallen, too.
Democrats and Republicans in both chambers are struggling to find common ground over offsetting the legislation’s costs and whether the tax incentives should be further expanded.
Many suggest a roll back or interruption of federal involvement in renewable enegergies could cripple the still-developing industry. House Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland told Reuters that he would continue to work with Senate leaders to pass the legislation, “even if it’s next year.”