Like my personal resolutions, I’m also setting up month-by-month priorities for my moving and developing my new worn house into a home.
- JANUARY: Finish my office and bedroom — spackle, patch and paint
- FEBRUARY: Finish the back bedroom for renting — spackle, patch, paint and fix closet
- MARCH: Massively overhaul kitchen — with help, total renovation
- APRIL: Move furniture and other extra materials from dad’s house to mine
- MAY: Update dining room — sand, spackle, patch, paint, new light fixture
- JUNE: Replace windows — with energy efficient models
- JULY: Siding, roof and gutters
- AUGUST: Living room — sand, spackle, patch, paint and decorate
- SEPTEMBER: Host a housewarming; Seal and clean front of house
- OCTOBER: Basement — organize, create workshop and laundry space, clean and partially finish
- NOVEMBER: Bathroom — complete renovation
- DECEMBER: Hardwood floors