Short of taking a trip to the Library of Congress and pouring over the Twitter archives, lots of tweets of value have been lost, particularly for us at Technically Philly.
What we took for granted as testimonials and perspective from many in our community and out, we did a poor job of archiving that public dialogue. To keep that from happening, in addition to pledging to ‘favorite’ more tweets of value or interest, I’m going to keep track of them by updating this post.
There’s value to following the good and bad of what they say about you, of course, to note how it changes and to address your place in a community.
If it’s of any interest, below, see more than a dozen tweets that we did save since June 2009 and some in the Unsolicited Praise portion of our media kit.
- Indy Hall co-founder Alex Hillman watches us build the TP business | 30 Oct 10
- Keith Olbermann responds to one of our stories | 7 Oct 10
- Engadget Editor Ross Miller compliments our ethics policy | 20 Sep 10
- MC Hammer retweets our coverage of his Wharton speech | 26 Feb 10
- Celebrating the day after the anniversary of launching TP | 10 Feb 10
- Our 1,500th Twitter follower | 1 Jan 10
- David Cohn compliments our News Inkubator Knight app | 23 Nov 09
- Ryan Sholin also compliments the separate web app | 23 Nov 09
- Wharton Computing head Tim Allen thanks our ‘efforts’ | 14 Nov 09
- Community organizer Roz Duffy calls us “the f’n bomb.” | 14 Nov 09
- Jeff Jarvis notes TP and our coming to HyperCamp | 23 Aug 09
- We announce our Digital Philadelphia multimedia package | 12 Aug 09
- Former Inquirer Online Editor Chris Krewson says TP is an idea, not a business | 10 Aug 09
- Google Maps links to one of our stories | 30 Jun 09
- Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Jim MacMillan credits our coverage | 7 Apr 09