My 10 best trafficked posts of 2011 (and some others that I think are pretty good)

As I’ve done in passed years, as this year comes to a close, I like to dive a bit into the work I’ve done here in the last 12 months to gauge what was popular and what I was most proud of.

Below, find my 10 best read posts of the year and a few others I thought were worth reading.

10. Rejection takes you further than success: why getting rejected a lot brought me here

9. Homelessness in Philadelphia: what I learned working for a social services startup for a year

8. How to be a freelance journalist: real advice from another young, unknown journalist on freelancing

7. Five criteria for the flourishing of news entities of the future

6. Broetry Poetry Slam: ‘Portrait of a Bro’ in Spoken Word [VIDEO]

5. What should be: a comprehensive, collaborative and open source for all news in Philadelphia

4. Selling Out: why some acquisitions are good and others are bad for Philadelphia business

3. Social entrepreneurship: how Philadelphia could have a regional distinction for startups

2. Why did you become a journalist?

1. Universities should host the newsrooms of their neighborhoods

And because popular rarely means best, Here are my favorite posts that didn’t happen to among the mos read:

  1. January: Why Journalism should be like the catering business
  2. February: Eleven lessons that shaped how I live my life
  3. March: Why print will last so much longer than you think it will (hint: we can feel it)
  4. March: 9 YouTube videos that changed my perspective on the world and the lessons I learned
  5. April: 25 things I learned from the best newspapermen (and women) around
  6. May: Gentrification: thoughts from seven years as student and young professional in Philadelphia
  7. June: News needs to make more money on the popcorn
  8. July: Technically Media meeting style: effective, productive and professional from home
  9. August: Glengarry Glen Ross: 10 sales lessons from the 1992 cult classic movie
  10. September: How 9/11 helped shape New York City for the better
  11. October: Will jobs ever come back?: maybe there is an answer to the employment bomb
  12. November: When you buy something, you are voting for its existence

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