Front-page story for the Patriot-News:
This isn’t about lowering the drinking age. That’s what Dickinson College President William Durden will tell you.
This is about watching parents follow their freshman sons and daughters into dormitories with beer in tow.
“We have a societal problem towards the attitude of alcohol that we have to fix,” Durden said. “It’s not just have a drink. It’s drink until you’re unconscious.”
More than 100 other college presidents agree. They’ve formed a group, numbering 123 at last count and growing, that has come together to encourage a public dialogue about altering the country’s drinking laws.
The Amethyst Initiative is a petition of sorts. These college chief executives say the current drinking age isn’t working and is creating a dangerous culture of intoxication on college campuses… More.
See the rest on PennLive.com. See the front-page placement at Newseum.