Speaking at the national Online News Association conference in Denver. (Photo by Melissa DiPento)

Journalism is a strategy, not an industry

Journalism is a strategy, not an industry.

Newsrooms should rethink their competition. Journalism organizations are in dozens of different businesses. What we share in common (journalism DNA) makes us more partners than adversaries. The many businesses that are competing for the revenue and not providing other community value, like service journalism, are the real competition.

This was the focus of a lightning pitch I gave this weekend at the national Online News Association annual conference in Denver. Below find my slides, audio and some tweet reactions I received.

This was the lovely crowd at ONA, the final session of the conference.
This was the lovely crowd at ONA, the final session of the conference.

The talk title came from a presentation I gave at a journalism educators conference at CUNY this summer. I used that line and got some feedback. I wanted to dive deeper on it.

Below listen to audio of my presentation and see my slides.

Download here

And some tweets that came out during the presentation:


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