So turns out one of today’s biggest, brightest and youngest upcoming porn stars lives in South Philadelphia.
And really, where else could Stoya live.
Philadelphia City Paper devoted its latest cover story to her. Nearly 5,000 words, friends. Writer Matt Stroud is getting beaten up a bit in the blogosphere and on the story comments – though some are complimentary – and there’s been some buzz around it, so I gave it a read, though I’m currently out of Philly.
Screw the haters, I think Stoya is totally worth that many words. While Philebrity pointed out they’ve written on her before, I don’t know a damn thing about her, so bring it on.
So, thanks for Stroud for putting the work into the story, but I have to say it leaves something to be desired. For starters, I’m all for trying something new, but I can’t say I like a thick entry of second person narrative. I find it grating and agree with a lot of that criticism. Still, even when he gets passed that, the story is at times fascinating, but it doesn’t seem to go anywhere. …And really, isn’t that ending super deflating?
While Stroud speaks to other folks, doesn’t the story essentially use one source – Stoya?
Still, it’s a big story, one that I didn’t do, so kudos to Stroud. I just wish it went further. Lop off the second-person beginning and give me more additional perspective, perhaps from her father or somebody.
Photographer Michael Regan’s photo spread is pretty awesome, I have to say – particularly this one – but I wonder why not more. This is more a gripe with newspapers in general, weeklies included, but there are at least three mentions of photography in the story with only four photos posted.
This is a woman the story is portraying as beautiful, successful and sinisterly sexy, give us more. I’d like to see comparison between these hot posed shots and some of her signing autographs in the sex show. If it ruins Regan’s spread, then give me a link – something.
Also, obviously this was meant to be a big package – Stroud brough out the Hemingway quotes, for goodness sake (see last bold quote of story) – so why not video or audio. This is a big profile, how does she carry herself or sound. I’ve surely seen porn, but I’ve never heard of her or recognize her. Make me from now on. I want to watch her take a drag on a cigarette, man. I don’t think alt-weeklies, even if they’re in some money trouble, can get away with 5,000 words and call it a major feature. The photo spread was a good start.. but I need plenty more.
Anyone else have thoughts on the story? Its criticism? …Or at least those sultry photos?
I bet Philly.com runs a clickable slideshow. Oh, and yes, I immediately started following Stoya on Twitter. Mine’s here.
Oh, and Stoya wasn’t always porn-heavy. She starred in a music video. ..OK, it’s mostly just porn, considered this burgeoning legend’s first foray into porn. Maybe don’t watch it with your mother.