Blogging at See me

If you peeked at my Blogging clips on this Web site recently, you may have noticed that I have begun contributing to, a very cool arts and entertainment blog in Philadelphia.

If you have managed some RSS feed for my Disclosures on this site, you may also have seen that uwishunu is a product of the Greater Philadelphia Tourism and Marketing Corp., which means I am currently receiving small funds from a public relations organization.

I’m over it and hope you are, too. If it causes a conflict, we’ll cross that bridge when we have to. Because, right now, I enjoy the work and love the product – I was subscribing to uwishunu long before I became involved.

Below check some of my work and extras from those assignments.

See all of my posts here, and my profile here.

One of my more recent posts was on a celebration of the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin at the Academy of Natural Sciences. I came across some great information about Darwin’s relationship with the Academy [link, PDF].

“Most paleontologists (with some few good exceptions) entirely despise my work,” Darwin wrote to then-Academy curator Dr. Joseph Leidy on March 4, 1860. “Consequently approbation from you has gratified me much.”

The work with uwishunu also gets me out of my apartment and my neighborhood from time to time, forcing me to have some fun with a night out to review Philly events I first preview.

I am pleased to say my first post was on a concert that included Mischief Brew, a band fronted by Upper Darby-native Erik Peterson, 31 [1/29], of whom I first became a fan in high school when a friend gave me a bootlegged collection of his really cool, acoustic punk ballads. It was a different experience, interviewing an artist whose music I like, than the business reporting, gritty community stories and politics and government stuff to which I have grown accustomed.

I look forward to much more work with uwishunu and Eric Smith, the editor and fellow Philly lover.

Screenshot from

2 thoughts on “Blogging at See me”

  1. Hi Christopher – It’s funny, you’ve been an active Twitter follower of the Philadelphia Tourism Twitter account I run (@visitphilly) and now you are blogging with uwishunu! So cool. Eric will be great to work with.

    I think it’s cool that you’ve been so up front and that uwishunu never asks you to blog about something you don’t want to.

    Have fun with it… I look forward to see what posts you come up with.

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