What I’ve learned from being threatened with legal action as a journalist and news publisher

Following a series of well-reported stories by Technical.ly on a startup in turmoil (including this most recent one), the founder threatened legal action. I’ve been here before.

In fact, I had drafted here a blog post from 2013 (!) that I’m refreshing for these purposes. Once or twice a year, we at Technical.ly get some kind of threat of legal action. Sometimes this amounts to a cease and desist letter, once it was formal-sounding demands for reporter notes and more often it is bluster.

Most usually though, our legal counsel advises us to stay quiet. No use inflaming the situation. But this time, one of the startup founder’s allies posted on social media a criticism of my reporter. That gave me cause to post this video response on social here (and embedded below for ease).

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What are luxury beliefs?

Rich people say one thing, but they do another.

Tech executives don’t let their kids get addicted to screens. Activists who called to defund the police lived in places that didn’t rely on cops. Well-paid professionals say marriage isn’t necessary for a kid to thrive, and publicly self-efface by saying their success was luck, but they’re much more likely to get and stay married than working class families — and they make sure their kids work hard.

These are all examples of “luxury beliefs” a catchy concept from foster kid and Air Force veteran turned new young conservative thinker and writer Rob Henderson. He expounded on the topic in his February 2024 memoir entitled “Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class.”

As he wrote: “The affluent have decoupled social status from goods and reattached it to beliefs.”

I enjoyed his bestseller, and found it thoughtful and critical. Because of our partisan era, it’s easily pushed by one side and dismissed by another. But I think his perspective has merit for all, even those who don’t like everything he has to say. I certainly appreciated it.

Below I share my notes from the book for future reference.

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Technical.ly is honored for its “journalistic impact”

I’m proud to share Technical.ly was awarded the “Journalistic Impact” award (in the large tier no less!) last night in Chicago by the well-regarded LION: Local Independent Online News Publishers!

The leading driver was our big THRIVING reporting project on economic mobility, and I’m so proud that our other multi-local reporting was honored too. Best I can remember, this is our first proper journalism award, and it’s a big one — even though our communities have often kindly honored our work!

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How Rome fell

Leaders of the late Roman Empire faced at least as many threats from within as without. Over-extension, declining trust in its institutions, falling middle class and a series of ineffective leaders that failed to address these looming threats all contributed to the decline of antiquity’s greatest force.

That’s the theme from “Home Rome Fell,” published in 2010 by British historian Adrian Goldsworthy. I picked it up for my own sense of every amateur historian’s favorite period.

Over nearly 500 pages, the book adds considerable depth to the simple tables we learn in high school. Speaking of which, I recreated one of those over-simplified tables below, heh.

753 BCE: Rome is established509 BCE: Roman Republic established27 BCE: Octavian made first Roman emperor476 CE: Germans depose last Roman emperor1453: Ottoman Empire overthrows Constantinople
Rome’s Period of Kings (244 years)Roman Republic (482 years)Roman Empire (503 years)Byzantine Empire (977 years)

Below are my notes for future reference.

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Free speech guarantees your right to speak, not your right for it to be heard

At 3:40 in this interview, Walz speaks of misinformation on elections

This was originally a social video here.

That’s Minnesota Governor Tim Walz in an interview last year that’s being resurfaced now that he’s the presumptive Democratic nominee for Vice President. And for good reason, critics are rightly pointing out that he’s flatly wrong when he says (at roughly 3:40 in the video) that free speech doesn’t protect misinformation or hate speech.

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The Singularity is Nearer

This generation of artificial intelligence bots have passed the famed Turing test, as we once knew it.

Experts may quibble with the rules, and we’ll continue to move the goal posts. Now, though, generative AI needs to play dumb to trick humans, because they move too fast, can write too convincingly and have too-comprehensive knowledge to be any person.

That’s from the new book from futurist Ray Kurzweil called “The Singularity is Nearer: When We Merge with AI”. It’s a followup to his 2005 book “The Singularity is Near.”

He’s among the best known, and longest-running champions of the kind of digital superintelligence that is called the singularity, which he says is coming — he estimates it by 2045, and has a bet with a friend that by 2029, AI will pass an even more rigorous Turing test he helped establish. His book is a wild romp of optimism and confidence. Anyone digging into the conversation will appreciate it. I recommend it.

Below I share notes for my future reference.

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Burn Book by Kara Swisher

Thirty years of tech journalism faces similar challenges to other beat reporters, like getting too close to sources and missing broader trends. Other characteristics are unique to tech-savvy journos: having an entrepreneurial bent, relying on live events, both for news and for revenue, and being especially entrenched in a community you help grow but also report critically on.

Among tech reporting’s founding disciples is Kara Swisher, who published earlier this year a memoir called Burn Book: A Tech Love Story, and knows these challenges well.

The influential, if controversial, veteran went from Washington Post to Wall Street Journal, before launching with her mentor Walt Mossberg a conference series and then an independent news site All Things Digital. She went on to a series of ventures and editorial posts. She’s among the longest-running Silicon Valley insider-journalists — and in that way, the godmother of the journalism I’ve brought to second-wave geographies with Technical.ly.

She’s navigated extended disclosures and been called both overly boosterish and too critical. In my far smaller way, it’s all familiar to me. I enjoyed the book for that reason, though it grated on me in other ways. Even for someone as accomplished as she, the book reads as self-aggrandizing — very few mentions of her staff, and even fewer expressions of where she had fallen short. Nearly everyone she introduces appears to have failed to take her sound counsel.

Yet I do respect what she did for our craft, and I appreciate her in contrast to the longer-running Silicon Valley insider publication TechCrunch, founded in 2005 by investor Mike Arrington. She defines herself as a teller-of-truths to power, calling Silicon Valley “assisted living for millennials.”

I, too, have navigated cheering on good, dynamic parts of our economy with its frequent misuse. Big tech wants to be regulated lightly like media companies but they want to be blameless for how their platforms are used, like a telephone company. The age of the internet and software has meant near infinite scaling, resulting in untested boy kings like Mark Zuckerberg, whom Kara has long criticized.

As she writes: “The innovators and executives ignored issues of safety not because they were necessarily awful, but because they had never felt unsafe a day in their lives.”

That much has influenced how I balance my work. Below I share my notes for future reference.

Continue reading Burn Book by Kara Swisher

My Technical.ly Builders Conference keynote May 2024

Well the video crew somehow damaged the file of my speech, but I gave the keynote at Technical.ly’s annual Builders Conference back on May 8.

I published the themes on Technical.ly here, here and here. I wanted to share the full video here, but no luck. I do have my full notes below.

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The Creative Spark of humanity

Hominins are a bush of species millions of years old, not one line leading to homo sapiens. Even if we’re the last standing. Our defining characteristic is coordination and creativity.

That’s from the 2017 book “The Creative Spark: How Imagination Made Humans Exceptional” written by anthropologist Agustín Fuentes.

I enjoyed his curation of academic research into an approachable narrative. Below I share my notes for future reference.

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