Philadelphia Business Journal: Globe-trotting accountants clip

pbj.jpg I have a particularly good clip in yesterday’s edition of the Philadelphia Business Journal on accounting firms sending more and more of their young staffers abroad for international experiences. See a copy of it here, in addition to other examples of my reporting work.

You can also see its beginning on the PBJ Web site, entitled Globe-trotting accountants in demand, though no more, because the site runs on a strict subscription basis. Nevertheless, having 1,000 words with graphics in a regional niche journal was thrilling, taxing and awfully worthwhile. I worked on it for nearly two weeks and completed more than ten interviews, all the while juggling classes, The Temple News, and additional responsibilities for the Business Journal. It feels good to know I can do this.

I am working on a similarly sized piece for next week’s edition now. After that I might need a break from this additional burden, though. Having accumulated some nice clips, I need to focus on my many other varied responsibilities.

God and politics in Lynchburg, Tennessee

This video is typical puffy shirted yuppie goes to the South to make someone with an accent seem stupid. It is unfair, and harmful and… undeniably amusing. …But damn it if I am not at least somewhat against it.

See what two women, and a teenager, think about Barack Obama and the bible.

I saw this video on the Clog, the news blog of Philadelphia CityPaper.

Shooting at my Philadelphia subway stop


Sadly, yesterday a man was shot by two SEPTA officers at the Allegeny Ave. stop on the Broad Street Line, my stop.allegheny-subway-shooting-feb-21-2008-stretcher.jpgThis comes after reports of increases of SEPTA and city officers riding the subways, often derided as dangerous. I’ve never had a problem myself, but reports of teenage violence, particularly directed at younger riders, have been on the rise.The man was apparently smoking in the stop when the officers approached him. He tried to run and at least four shots were fired.I have video from CBS 3, but I haven’t been able to upload it on YouTube.(Photos by Greg Bezanis, a staff photographer of The Temple News) allegheny-subway-shooting-feb-21-2008-platform.jpg

A video tribute to George Washington's birthday

Today, Feb. 22, is the 276th anniversary of George Washington, the dude who is recognized as the first president of the United States. Good for him.He is dead now, though, died Dec. 14, 1799, according to my calendar. Still, he died a long time ago, so it isn’t that sad. Let’s celebrate him with, perhaps, a decidedly strange song in his honor?

I saw this on Digidigidigi on President’s Day.

Stuff white people like

Every once in a while you come across something so hilarious that it is bound to bewhite-guy.jpg something you would never want your name associated with. Still, the blog Stuff White People Like is worth mentioning, particularly a post that nails the concept beyond all others.

So much of my travel experiences have taught me this valuable, valuable lesson.

I didn’t read all of them, but I sure hope ‘having minority friends’ is one of them. White people collect black/Asian/Hispanic/Indian/U.S. Census form “Other” friends like baseball cards.

John McCain, surprisingly Liberal

I saw an attack advertisement run by a political action committee that could only speak to the seeming electability of John McCain anytime outside of primary season.

The issue, of course, is that since Ronald Reagan’s tenure, the national Republican Party has been more able to rally behind a single candidate than the Democrats, like McCain supporting his occasional rival George W. Bush after losing to him in the 2000 primary. Of course, the exceptions come when a charismatic Democrat has energized the disparate party voters, many of whom have no whims about skipping out on an election, like Bill Clinton.

Philly super delegate endorses Obama

bill-clinton-carol-ann-campbell.jpgCarol Ann Campbell, one of Philadelphia’s super delegates and a city Democratic committee cog, has endorsed Barack Obama after a conversation with the candidate’s wife, the Associated Press is reporting.

Campbell is as involved in partisan politics and the Democratic machine in Philadelphia as anyone.

Previously, the former City Councilwoman had said she wouldn’t endorse either candidate before it came time to cast her vote (assuming it will be necessary) in order that she not burn bridges. Her mind was changed by a 90-minute conversation with Michelle Obama, Barack’s wife who is just about charming everyone in sight.

Indeed, it was generally considered that Campbell was a Clinton supporter before the conversation, according to the LA Times.

As posted elsewhere, the tide is surely turning on the Democratic side of this presidential election.

My travel videos on AOL

I spent a semester living and studying in Tokyo, Japan last fall. While there, I  blogged, photographed and videotaped my experiences for the pilot season of an online-only show by NBC called JYA, Junior Year Abroad.

I just got word from the show’s producer that it has been posted on a new NBC  digital media Web site,

Through it, major media companies can license the content.

As result, today AOL has done just that, posting my videos, in addition to those of the other cast members. See it here.Check out my most popular video, chronicling my scaling Mount Fuji, Japan’s tallest peak, on my own, on a whim, unprepared.