chris wink playing the piano, sorta

My 2022 resolutions

If 2020 was a collapse, 2021 was a timid rebound. I hope to return to goals of 2019 with newfound learning and momentum to make 2022 something special.

Last year was a step back toward friends and family, thanks to a historic vaccination program and despite ensuing covid variants. I’m optimistic for continuing the development of a post-pandemic world — even though we know now that covid will almost certainly transition into a new seasonal affliction.

I see hopeful sign posts. I have plans to attend a wedding in each of the first four months of this year, all of which were postponed at least once, and they are planned to have the good food and dancing that any good wedding of old once had. For at least two of them, SACMW and I will be staying in hotels, while our baby stays with a grandparent; I understand these were once fairly normal acts in The Before Times but they’re novel, and downright exciting, to me now.

I am very eager to return to some form of travel in 2022 but it all feels so uncertain. So, though I initially considered resolutions like “Use my passport again” and “Get on a plane,” the pandemic and new parenthood combined kept those off the list for this year. Nonetheless, I have high hopes for next year.

Here are my resolutions for 2022.

  • Go fully remote as a company (January): Though this has unintentionally been the case since March 2020, we are beginning 2022 as a fully and formally remote only company. I’ve subleased our office for at least a portion of the year and intend that to be an extended strategy.
  • Reestablish my goals on social media (February) I fell off my use of the social platforms during the pandemic. Now I feel distant and burnt-out from them. I’d like to return with a voice and a plan that makes them healthier tools for me.
  • Pitch a nonfiction book proposal (March): Last year I spent time devising a plan and developing a pitch for a book concept. This year I’ll give it my all to get it done.
  • Let go of childhood collectibles (April): This is a silly one but I want to use an annual neighborhood sidewalk sale as a purely artificial deadline to finish an old goal. Somehow even after I got rid of several boxes of my childhood sports cards, I found yet another container of inherited baseball cards. I also have an old original Nintendo NES system and games. I have other small knick-knacks from my childhood that are taking up space in my basement too. Meanwhile my father is on his own purge of former joys. I want to let go and release, which is not my default state!
  • Upgrade my terrace (May): After two years of working entirely from home, I’ve used my only private outdoor space more than ever. I’d like to invest in improving this cozy spot, including moving a noisy HVAC unit, so my gardening and private outdoor time is more welcoming still. Looks like I’ll be spending a lot more time there for the foreseeable future.
  • Invest in my daughter (June): When she was born, I opened a classic 529 account (and an email and a website domain). Last year, I bought her an NFT. I’d like to find another novel investment in her, perhaps something with language or music learning, if not financial.
  • Drop weight (July): As part of a 2021 resolution, I got back to under 200 pounds. I’d like to strive to weigh 190, which would be the lowest since 2016 if not earlier. To do this I’ll start by following a few existing and emerging habits of mine: daily physical activity, including breaking a sweat at least three times a week; eating to 80% full; limit snacking; track my alcohol; drink only coffee black and strive to get in bed between 10p-11p most nights.
  • Learn a song on the guitar (August): With a piano and a need for non-screen hobbies, I’d like to fix a broken string on an old guitar I have and learn at least one song this year.
  • Make a life survival guide for myself (September): During the pandemic, I returned to and freshly discovered a whole host of philosophies, ideas, aphorisms and priorities that helped me cope with the stresses of the outside world. They really helped me return from a bout of depression. I’d like to turn this collection into a small printed product for myself, and perhaps even to share with my daughter, in the future.
  • Transform my family room into a study (October): Spending most of the last two years inside my home more than ever before has left me with ideas. For one, I want to extend a beautiful set of built-in bookcases, add indoor plants and other features to make an ordinary family room look something like a small library in a home from the 1890s, which my home is.
  • Play the piano (November): I’m happily surprised to report that back in November 2021, my wife and I added a second-hand piano to our home. I learned a few simple tunes for family Christmas caroling. This year, I’d like to complete this Piano 101 book I have and learn a new song each month for the year.
  • A healthier, profitable business year (December): I am thrilled to have produced a (modestly) profitable year in 2021, following a brutal 2020. I want to keep up the progress and find other metrics of health, including employee retention, community impact and revenue quality.

I do hope travel and other indoor activities become further normalized again — I’ve wanted to do a formal firearm training course, and I considered piano or guitar lessons but all seemed too reliant on the pandemic. I also wanted to include more work-related resolutions but wanted to keep this more about my family and me.

Here’s to a joyful 2022.

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