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Tag: cheese steaks
Glen Macnow: please rank Philadelphia cheese steaks again
People love to rank cheese steaks. There is something about listing shit that people love, so why not the cheese steaks? Listing, ranking, investigating shit that is supposed to be unique to a particular region or city or country, definitely worth a post on Stuff White People Like.
Nearly six years after Craig Laban, the respected Philadelphia Inquirer food critic, launched the Cheesesteak Project, Glen Macnow of WIP, a Philadelphia sports talk station, announced the initial findings of his own inquiry. His claim to note, though, is eating at 45 different locales, to Laban’s just 22.
His top pick thus far (his analysis isn’t complete) is South Philly’s John’s Roast Pork on East Snyder Avenue.
Like Laban, his list puts Tony Luke’s on Oregon Avenue as the top among the big name chains, and similarly, Pat’s and Geno’s didn’t even make it in the Top Ten.
Oh, another thing white people love to do is reject the most popular of a regional craft because, seriously, they know a much better place no one knows about (a derivative of wanting to be the only white person around).